Hey everyone!
The game now officially supports mods.
Initially I was unsure of what type of minds to support. For now I've decided to officially support addition of new weapons and gadgets via mods.
If the modding scene grows larger, I will offer more mod support in accordance to what the mod makers wish for. It all depends on the activity of the community now.
With that out of the way, if you're a modder, and you wish to get into modding, you should definitely check out the following example weapon mods.
The modding intro guide
First things first - if you're a modder and are looking to get into modding Intravenous, you should give the modding intro guide a look. It contains various important information, as well as lots of links to various scripts the game uses.
Base weapon scripts
These are the weapon scripts used by the game. If you're a modder and wish to gain insight on how things work, you are highly encouraged to download these, as by checking the code you will see how various weapons are set up and what variables are used.
Suggested example weapon mods
These mods are official and showcase how various things should be done when adding new weapons.
You are encouraged to download the files for them to take a look at the code.
AS VAL Silent Assault Rifle
M79 Grenade Launcher
PSS Silent Pistol
Suggested non-weapon example mods
All Suppressed Weapons Quieter
Community-made mods
While the mod support update was in the public BETA stage, some community members made several mods. Check them out!
Glock-19 Silenced
FN Five-seveN
Cheat Mod - not that I encourage you to use it... but still, it might be of use for some people, as it showcases various UI-related things.
The changelog
- added a new gameplay mutator - randomize placed weapons: it's mainly intended to make mod weapons more viable, by replacing pre-placed weapons with weapons that aren't the same, so that mod weapons show up on existing levels :)
- the Saiga-12K now has a full-auto firemode
- Saiga-12K RPM increased to 600 (was 450)
- color tweak of several GUI elements in the Steam Workshop menu
- fixed disabling mods not working
- fixed weapon accuracy not restoring if the weapon was empty, but the player still kept holding down the fire key
- fixed incorrect fill display of magazine pick-up UI element
- russian localization update
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed incorrect map editor cutscene/scene part move icons
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed a crash that occured when enabling the "Player is actor?" checkbox in the level editor for various actions when setting up cutscenes (the checkbox is meant for cutscenes only)
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed the "Player is actor?" checkbox being visible in scene setup in the level editor
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed vent shaft setup not properly cancelling the saving/edit process, resulting in problems
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed a crash caused by vent shafts with less than 2 points
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed a crash caused by certain triggers when set-up in a certain manner in the level editor
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed a crash caused by entering decimals and the negative sign in a particular order, into a textbox that supports both negative values and decimals
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed goons opening doors in map editor if they touched a door while the player was repositioning them
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed a crash that occured when the "Fire weapon" cutscene action was applied to an actor with no weapon
- (MAP EDITOR) fixed a crash that occurred when entering text into a textbox without being able to enter it, and then pressing the symbol delete key
- (MODDING) internal changes done to ammo/mag limit to allow for more modding flexibility (technical details: change in maximum ammo/mags carried delegated to weapon objects instead of the player object)
- (MODDING) internal changes done to main shader compilation to make adding new shaders via mods easier
- (MODDING) changed the :addLoadoutWeapon's 3rd argument to be the weapon ID you wish to insert the weapon in front of in the loadout weapon list, instead of the exact insert position
That's all for now!
I hope to see the modding scene grow, as I believe the game has a lot of modding potential.
Thanks for reading, and thank you so much for the continued support.
I truly hope you guys are still enjoying the game!
Changed files in this update