Hello everyone!
The game was just updated with version 0.5a, introducing first part of planned mod support for the game.
Part 1 of modding
This is very exciting for me, because the community will finally start to add something to the game, other than the feedback ofcourse, and I am excited and nervous to see what you will come up with, even with these limited for now instruments. Right now you will be able to create your own mod files, upload them to the steam workshop, and rate and discuss them there. Modding is not localized at the moment.
I've made a small tutorial video that explains the process of creating simple piece of content:
After you create your mod, use Upload button to upload it to workshop. If you want to download mods of others, you will need to Subscribe to them in teh workshop, then relaunch the game and enter mods interface to activate mods in-game. Please note that Steam will need few minutes to download mod files. It will start downloading when you enter mod section, but you might not be able to see them there first time. Good way to do this would be enter the mod section after you subscribe, wait a few minutes then re-enter it seconds time. That way you should be able to see downloaded mods.
Modding support roadmap
Here is current planned roadmap for mod support. I have a couple of ideas for advanced features beyond that, but I'm not sure if I would be able to implement them yet, so I decided to not include them in the roadmap at this moment. I will introduce these parts along with basic game updates, or splice them between main updates. The idea is that you should be able to have full mod support by the time the game enters polishing phase.
I've created steam topic to discuss this roadmap. Please remember that I am really limited by the engine, so some advanced stuff like scripting might be hard to implement, although I will look into this ofcourse.
Thank you for your support!
Check out my youtube channel (I might post previews of new updates there, or might not):
I also plan to stream Gedonia development on twitch sometimes, so you can follow me there
Changed files in this update