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Hellish Quart update for 22 January 2022

Steam Deck Update (v. 2022.01.22.0)

Share · View all patches · Build 8067378 · Last edited 22 January 2022 – 16:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In today's update, we make sure Hellish Quart runs great on the upcoming Steam Deck.

Steam Deck is the newest powerful handheld console that can run games from your Steam library. We are very happy to say that playing Hellish Quart on it is pure joy :)

This update makes sure the text is readable on the console's 7-inch screen, the gameplay holds stable 60 fps and videos play well.

Release notes:

Hellish Quart pre-alpha v. 2022.01.22.0


  • Blade Bind should cause a bit less "circle spinning" when the characters are close to each other
  • Different codec in video tutorials and video cinematics to ensure compatibility with Steam Deck
  • UI text size adjustments for better fit with Steam Deck
  • In the character selection screen, you can now press any keyboard key to use keyboard, not only Esc


  • Xbox 360/One controller button glyphs are now the default in whole game if you are using a gamepad instead of a keyboard. You can force the game to always use platform-agnostic button glyphs (like before) in the Gameplay menu. This change is to comply with the demands of the "Steam Deck Verified" program.


  • In the two players character selection screen, the first player can now press a joystick button to go back to the menu, if there are no other controllers and no keyboard connected.

As for plans for migrating to the newest engine version - sorry everyone, after almost two weeks of testing, it turns out this is not yet viable. The game is using the most stable, versatile, and performant version of the engine and rendering at the moment. We'll try again later, back to creating content :)

Windows 64-bit Hellish Quart Content Depot 1000361
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