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MMORPG Tycoon 2 update for 26 January 2022

Update notes for v0.18.81

Share · View all patches · Build 8066874 · Last edited 26 January 2022 – 02:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi folks! This is a very small update which is mostly dealing with under-the-hood technical debt, while I'm still working away on the upcoming Dungeons Update in the background.

New in this build:

  • Updated all our various libraries. FMOD 2.2.5, SteamAPI 1.53a, Slug 6.1.
  • On OSX we're now shipping a universal Intel/M1 app bundle (though Steam only seems to be launching the Intel side of it, which runs on M1 Macs using Rosetta for some reason? We need to do more investigating!)
  • Vastly improved the appearance of terrain overlays when viewed from a high altitude.
  • Rebuilt the 'heatmap' visuals for thought and unsubscribe reports. These are now both more useful and also much much faster to build, and also don't glitch out if there is too much data to be drawn, the way the old implementation did!
  • During saved game load, watch out for dead Monsters who had moved into a different region before dying, to head off a possible crash bug which could sometimes occur later on when they respawned.
  • Fixes a two-frame delay between scrolling a scroll bar by directly dragging the scroll thumb, and the scrolled contents learning about what the current visible part of the scrollable contents are currently visible. This fixes a lot of visual issues where lists appeared to be blank for a frame or two while rapidly scrolling. Note that this only affected scrolling by dragging the thumb up and down with the mouse; other scrolling methods (scroll wheel, autoscroll due to clicking on something partly out of frame, etc) were all unaffected.
  • Small optimisation to how our visibility quadtree is updated, which should yield small performance improvements in large games.
  • Fixed a geometry generation bug which could result in missing navigation meshes in shallow corners of some map regions (reported one time ever)
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused air vehicles to teleport down to the ground when they began their docking procedure at the end of a path to a vehicle depot.
  • Fixed a large performance stutter which occurred while entering the in-game desktop interface, especially if you have a lot of saved games.
  • Fixed a shutdown freeze which only seemed to happen on Steam Decks for some reason.

Thanks so much for your patience and feedback, everyone! I'm really looking forward to getting the next content and feature update out for you all! :D


Windows 64-bit MMORPG Tycoon 2 Win64 Depot 486861
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Windows 32-bit MMORPG Tycoon 2 Win32 Depot 486862
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macOS 64-bit MMORPG Tycoon 2 OSX Depot 486863
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Linux 64-bit MMORPG Tycoon 2 Linux64 Depot 486864
  • Loading history…
Linux 32-bit MMORPG Tycoon 2 Linux32 Depot 486865
  • Loading history…
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