Poor Aeonium, the Sloth Factory has been hacked by Omi-cron and his crazy-robot army. They want to subject him to over-vaccination just to make sure he doesn't give them any covid disease. Let's help him escape the crazy-vaccine aliens! Play a new campaign mini-game, Anti-Vax Escape as Aeonium and gain easy souls for your ranking.
We also added many new SSS and updated many old skills. So don't forget to check them out below. :)
Patch Note 7.56
- Added a new mini campaign : Anti-Vax Escape (accessible through "Campaign Window" in War Chamber.)
Add new baby Omicron Pet (1% drop from Omicron Raid Boss) - Add 15-30% Machine Killer.
Added new Xunwu’s SSS : SunSweep - Deal 5x STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [fire] dmg (x2 to Plants).
Added new Oyama’s SSS : FlowingRiver - Deals TAL({0}~{1}) [water] dmg in a quick long stright line.
Added new Oyama’s SSS : StillBlade - Repeatedly deals STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [wind] dmg to a random enemy within {4}m.
Added new Wiktor’s SSS : SatanicStrength - Instantly increases STR by 130-230 for 130s.
Added new Hermont's SSS : SatanicVitality - Instantly increases VIT by 130-230 for 130s.
Added new KillJoy's SSS : SatanicDexterity - Instantly increases DEX by 130-230 for 130s.
Added new Fay's SSS : SatanicTalent - Instantly increases TAL by 130-230 for 130s.
Added new Anneburg's SSS : AllDefense - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% DEF boost for 60s
Added new Bifron's SSS : AllCritical - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% CRT boost for 60s
Added new BlackBaron's SSS : AllAccuracy - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% ACR boost for 60s
Added new Mara's SSS : AllMagic - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% MAG boost for 60s
Added new Mastema's SSS : AllSummon - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% Summon boost for 60s
Added new Tiamat's SSS : AllEffect - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% Effect boost for 60s
Added new Tsukuyomi's SSS : AllEvasion - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% Evasion boost for 60s.
Added new Urion’s SSS : AllRestoration - Gives self and demon allies a LVL(25-50)% HLG boost for 60s.
Added new Zuijin’s SSS : AllOffense - Gives self and allies a LVL(25-50)% PHY.DMG boost for 60s.
Adjusted Xunwu’s skill : FireEmber - Temporary change n.Attack to {0}x 3-way fireballs, dealing TAL({1}~{2}) [fire]/[wind] m.dmg with HLG({3}~{4}) HP heal.
Adjusted Xunwu’s skill : FireCinder - Change c.Attack to quintuple fireballs, dealing 5xTAL({0}~{1}) [fire]/[earth] m.dmg (20 MP.)
Adjusted Satanic Avatar status buff from (130 + lv10) to (130 + lv6).
Modified the skill column of Xunwu's PhoenixDrive from 4-3 to 4-5.
Modified the skill column of Oyama's MizuchiVapor from 4-2 to 4-4.
Added new status icons;
Changed depots in betatest branch