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Odd Realm update for 22 January 2022 Market And Vault Rooms + Bug Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 8065548 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Happy Friday/Saturday everyone!

This patch was initially just going to be some tuning and bug fixes, but, last night, I spent an hour adding in two new rooms, the Vault, and the Market. Like you, I get frustrated by where the merchant items spawn, so I thought I would remedy that with these rooms.


This room is needed for merchants to visit your settlement. Any items bought from the merchant will be spawned here, unless there's no room, in which case the items will spawn at the merchant. In the future, I am going to have merchants stick around in the settlement and hang out at the market, instead of leave immediately after a trade. That way, players can re-initiate trading while the merchant is around.


This room is where any Ren acquired from a trade will spawn. It starts with a Ren stockpile already set up as well.

I also added a bit of extra AI logic to neutral animals wandering around the map. They are now attracted to cages with their preferred foods inside them. You can put items in a cage using the stockpiles.

Additionally, neutral animals will also shy away from your settlers and they should be less inclined to enter rooms. Though, you'll still see them stealing your food.

Here are the notes:

-Added market room. Mechants will now only arrive when this room is placed. Merchants will leave any purchased items here.
-Added vault room. Merchants will leave newly acquired Ren here.
-Improved some performance issues with item tracking and saving.
-Fixed a bug where entities would run in air immediately after climbing.
-New settlements now start with enough containers for all items that are brought. Ex: If no items are brought, no containers are spawned. If 100 items are brought, 2 containers are spawned.
-Fixed a bug where all input would get locked if, in the overworld screen and with an active settlement loaded, you hit the ESC key while selecting a new settlement loadout.
-Fixed a bug where you would see items and entities in lists when they were not present in the world.
-Added some extra zoom levels.
-Fixed a bug where depth 16 worlds were not generating.
-Fixed a bug where the item edit list for migrating wasn't showing all items.
-Fixed several bugs for adding/removing items to the migration loadout.
-Fixed a bug where entities wouldn't spawn correctly when selecting a new starting point on the map.
-Neutral entities will be less inclined to pick rooms as random migration points.
-Neutral entities will now try to avoid player entities.
-Fixed a bug where non-player entities were using custom diets.
-Neutral entities will now be lured to cages with foods that match their diets.
-Fixed a bug where stockpiles showed custom and liquid category types.
-Fixed a bug where an entity being attacked wouldn't fight back.
-Fixed a bug where neutral animals would try to move to herd members that the player owned.
-Fixed a bug where cages wouldn't capture an entity if they had just held an entity.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get stuck in an infinite drop item loop.
-Fixed a bug where scenario entities could spawn and then immediately die.
-Berara trees no longer have leaves around the trunk to allow settlers easier access to cut them down.
-Fixed a bug where the debug paint tool wasn't showing the correct display name for entries.
-Fixed a bug where entities would ignore food/water that was close at hand if they were doing a job which produced food/water. This would result in entities going long distances to do the job, ignore food/water they ran by, and starve/dehydrate before reaching the job.
-XP is now only given to player entities. This is to keep hostile entities from levelling up during combat.
-Fixed a bug where entities wouldn't walk over hatches.
-Distillery blueprints now require stills instead of barrels.
-Cooked foods will now be worth more than their raw counterparts.
-Added sfx for when research is activated.
-Renamed the Water blueprint in the Wellhouse to Draw Water From Well.
-Fixed a tooltip bug which would occasionally cause some lag issues.

One last thing. For this build, I made some changes to clean up unused items (items you delete, items merchants take away, items eaten/drunk) so, there's the possibility you might see some newer weird item bugs. I hope I fixed any issues there, but something like that might appear as jobs disappearing immediately after being placed, or entities getting stuck in item pick up/drop off loops. I'm going to address any severe issues over the weekend. Please let me know if you see anything!

Thanks everyone! Have a fun weekend!


Changed depots in beta branch

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macOS Odd Realm OSX Content Depot 688062
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