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FISHERY update for 21 January 2022

development update #103

Share · View all patches · Build 8063898 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello there,

Build 68 has been uploaded for you all play. It comes with a nice new shiny feature, UI tweaks and bug fixes.

Some of you may be wondering what the creature on this update's thumbnail is all about. It is a new decoration that will be finished soon but we thought it would be nice to give you all a sneaky peak of the model.

It is a toy dinosaur, a Dilophosaurus specifically, that will come in 3 poses. It will be quite fun and interesting to put this among areas of thick plant growth or rocks to create little prehistoric themed aquarium scenes. We have already made some good progress painting it and soon it will be finished and in the game. We will most likely add some toy dinosaurs in the future.

This week's nice new feature is the "Fish Storage" feature:

What this allows players to do is to remove fish from an aquarium and store them indefinitely and unchanged until the player puts them back into any aquarium. This will be quite useful in a number of scenarios. For instance if players are breeding fish and wish to keep the new fry safe once they have hatched they can now remove the parents from that aquarium and place them in a separate aquarium so there is no chance of the parents eating the new fry. Players could also create a special aquarium that is made especially for breeding or nursing unwell fish back to good health that fish can be transferred in and out of as needed.

It may also be useful for general maintenance. If the water chemistry has taken a turn for the worst and time is needed to fix it then it would be a good idea to just remove the fish and keep them safe until all the water chemistry issues are fixed.

Storage preserves all the key information associated with each fish that is put into it such as their name, health, energy, stress, age etc. They can be kept in storage for as long as players like and they will remain unchanged.

For now this feature is limited to live fish only. We may at some point make it so plants and decorations etc can also be stored but for now this feature is most important for fish. You don't have to careful with selecting fish before you add them to storage. If you happen to select the fish you want plus some plants or decorations etc the code is smart enough to ignore all none fish items in your selection. The icon for fish storage is found at the bottom of the screen next to the 'shop / inventory' button.

Changes to selection and manipulator settings:

These UIs took up way too much space and did not really have much explanation as to their meaning. Understanding how pivots and coordinate systems work always requires some explanation. Here as with other UIs players can mouse over the label and a brief bit of text appears that helps to explain what it enables.

There will be another update in the next week or two as usual. Hopefully it will include the dinosaur toy decoration as well as a new feature and the usual batch of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. We wish you all a relaxing weekend,

The Fishery Team

Windows 64-bit FISHERY Depot Window Depot 809734
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