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Card City Nights 2 update for 21 January 2022

Patch 1.3.2 (r7) changes

Share · View all patches · Build 8062176 · Last edited 21 January 2022 – 15:39:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-- Patch 1.3.2 (r7) changes:
Switched online servers.
Cards can now link (and activate) before "is played" effects happen, but still not before "on placement" effects.

--- Card changes:
Jealous Chest now has lower resolve time.
Cyber Jenny now has more arrows and increased resolve time.
Metonym now has more arrows.
Ancient War X has decreased resolve time.
Puzzle now delays twice
Star Splitter now delays twice
Mapman now ticks twice on resolve.
Paranoid Fish is now untargetable and has more arrows.
Feral Gate is now a rare spy card with some more arrows and reduces resolve time.
Volcano now silences on resolve instead and has a lower resolve time.
Deathblow is now rare
Evil Easel is now legendary.
Fasen now adds two Potatis cards to the deck.
Potatis is a copy of Potato but without the discard effect.
Heart now has a higher resolve time.
Ur now peeks at the opponents hand on placement and deals one damage on resolve.
Sam now deals 2 damage for a mana token instead of 1.
Neon is no longer non-conductive.
Neo-Dea now heals 3 instead of 2.
Business Casual Man X now has a lower resolve time.
Bunboy is now rare and Potato is now legendary. Every campaign opponent with two potatos in their deck has had one replaced with a Bunboy.
Bunboy now deals 1 piercing damage instead of 2 normal damage.
Frog Fan now also discards a card on placement.
Roll now pops own shield when it resolves.
Casual Jenny Berry now redraws hand on resolve instead of placement.

--- Fixes:
Displays the star booster icon correctly when inspecting cards in the deck editor.

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