We have just deployed a new huge update - Hotfix #10
Huge MILITARY THANKS to all PLAYERS for the great support!!
Soldiers - this is the time when you can expect massive features and gameplay quality progress.
We listen and read everything you wrote and consider each suggestion.
Based on that, today's event is quite a big portion of new content.
What's new?:
- Mines improvement - now you can set mines wherever you want! It's time to put those watches collection to use :-));
- Weapons now get dirty. Watch out for the dirtiness bar. You can clean them at any moment using the crafting table;
- Anti-tank cannon can now be repositioned, finally, you can take out tanks coming from different angles!;
- Splitting ammunition;
- Unloading weapons;
- „Defend the bunker” mission type - these are the hardest mission in the game and combine multiple enemy forces types in a single assault (infantry, tanks, and planes);
- Side missions in Endless mode, do them, and receive an additional supply drop the next day!;
- After finishing the daily mission you can now choose when the next one starts;
- After finishing the campaign, the Endless mode will start automatically when continuing the game from the given save slot
Incoming content:
- improvement to soldiers AI (in progress);
- improvement to enemy AI;
- bunker doors mechanic (still to consider);
~~- mines field and mechanics improvements; ~~DONE
~~- anti-tank gun improvement; ~~DONE
~~- features to be announced soon... Christmas is coming :-)) ~~DONE
- audio improvements;DONE
- additional save slots; DONE
- new tutorial; DONE
- key bindings; DONE
- trash can for useless items/ingredients; DONE
- looting enemy ammo from the weapon; DONE
- inventory improvement (assigning items to hot keys by hoovering; slot scrolling, shift information); DONE
- companion marker; DONE
- enemy body disappear after looting for less powerful PC; DONE
We will do our best to reply asap to your suggestions/feedback.
We constantly monitor all the information flow on every channel - many thanks for that!
If you will encounter any problem feel free to put it on the Discussion panel or our Discord server:
Bunker Dev Team
Changed files in this update