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Surviving the Aftermath update for 25 January 2022

Changelog - “Free Update 2” - 25th of January 2022

Share · View all patches · Build 8060162 · Last edited 25 January 2022 – 08:59:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Survivors! It’s time for the next free update, which brings quite a few new things to the game. It’s the Year of the Tiger, and to celebrate it we’re giving you several cosmetic buildings, lights and even hats! We’ve improved the lives of your colony in a few intense ways, like colonists running away from a fight and guards being more effective. We’ve also included some quality of life updates for you as a player, like the return of the feedback button and that colonists will now try to move closer to where they are assigned to work which will lead to shorter commutes and improvements to the AI.


Added Lunar New Year content to the game.

  • Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with colorful lanterns, impressive statues and fireworks!
  • 4 new cosmetic buildings include a colony banner stand, two statues and a fireworks launcher to light up the night.
  • 6 cosmetic variants to decorative lights.
  • Other decorations have also been added as well as Lunar-themed hats for the colonists and lanterns to colony buildings to make the whole colony celebrate the lunar new year.
  • You can unlock some of the content by completing milestones for prestige.
  • Some of the content will be automatically applied when the game is loaded, such as the colonist hats and other smaller tweaks to existing buildings.
  • This content will be automatically turned on when the game is updated and will be turned off at a specified time.
  • The content can also be toggled on or off from the ingame settings in the Main Menu.

Colonists will now prefer housing buildings that are closer to their workplaces.

  • This should allow your colonists to spend more time working instead of running around the colony to go to sleep in their homes.
  • After you load your previous save, the colonists will start looking for free houses closer to their workplace, which can cause a chain reaction as they all start moving around, but this should cool down after a moment.

Improvements and fixes to the colony combat.

  • Colonists will now always flee from combat instead of fighting. Only Guards and Specialists will fight attacking hostiles.
  • The penalty from the Alarm mode has been significantly decreased.
  • Added a highlight to units in combat in the colony.
  • If a Colonist or Specialist has a target to attack, this highlight will be shown.
  • Enemies with a target to attack will also show this highlight.
  • Guard and Specialists should also now be easier to select in the colony.
  • Colonists working as Guards at the Gate should now be constantly working at the gate instead of working as carriers around the colony.
  • They should also now change to the Guard clothing just like the Guards at the Guard Post.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Guards to be less effective in combat after saving and loading.
  • Previously any colonist that had been assigned to work as a guard would have the same values as a regular colonist after saving and loading.
  • Now the values are saved and loaded correctly.
  • Hostile animals should no longer attack open fields or Water Wells when they attack the colony.
  • Increased the damage the Guards and the level 1 weapons do to enemies.


PC Only: Added back the possibility to write feedback of the game to the developers.

  • In the Pause Menu, there is now a button Write Feedback. This can be used to write feedback straight to the developers regarding the game.
  • If you encounter any game breaking bugs, please use this to immediately report the issue so that the issue can be investigated as soon as possible.

When a resource is now disallowed from a specific storage building, the building will eject all units of that resource onto the ground.

  • They will be spawned next to the building as a resource box the colonists can then carry to other storage buildings that allow the resource.

The resource order shown in Allowed Resources for the Campsite, Warehouse and the General Storage has been changed.

  • Resources should now be in a more consistent order.

The Colonists working at the Gate will remain working there even after upgrading the Gate.

  • Previously the extra work slots were closed after upgrading.

Fixed an issue with the Industrialist ideology that would cause two techs to overlap each other.

  • This issue caused the Conveyor Belts tech to overlap with the Rare Metals tech.

Changed the way how tooltips for resource deposits and work areas are shown in the colony.

  • The game should no longer attempt to show them if you are for example only moving past a resource deposit.
  • This should improve the performance of moving around the colony.

Also changed the way how panels are shown in the World Map.

  • The panel should only become visible if you stop at a location or sector.
  • This should improve performance when moving around the World Map.

Fixed an issue that would cause the game to become stuck if events were closed too quickly.

Fixed an issue that would cause the Work Area tooltip to change resources to different ones after hovering over the same resources for a while.

Fixed an issue that would cause small decorations to switch their location if they were rotated when placing.

  • This should make placing decorations such as the Small Bush a lot easier.

Fixed an issue that would cause the Trade button to move in the Society window based on the length of the description of the other society.

  • The button should now remain still.

The work area resource tooltip should no longer overlap with the repair mode tooltip.

The Specialist Menu tooltip now shows the prompts on how to select and focus the camera on the specialist.

Fixed an issue that would cause the extra panels shown for specific buildings (such as the recipe selection panel) to not close when the cross icon at the top right corner was pressed.

Fixed an issue that would cause the achievement “Look, No Hands” to not complete if the Metal Extractor had been upgraded to the Magnetic Separator.

Fixed an issue that would cause green highlights to remain visible constantly for multiple buildings around the colony.

Changed the way how buildings which require colonists to gather resources work.

  • Previously the colonists would only drop some resources to the building and not actually work at the building at all.
  • Now the colonists will work at the building as well, though their work cycle is a lot shorter than other buildings.
  • This change affects buildings such as the Scrapper and the Recycler.
  • These buildings will now produce slightly more resources due to the work taking a bit more time.

The colonists will now take resources inside production buildings instead of dropping them off at the corner of the building.

Fixed the description of the Motorization tech.

  • Previously it would mention that it unlocks the Oil Refinery as well.

Fixed an issue that would cause a combat event at the gate to result in combat instead of avoiding it despite the text indicating that you have avoided combat.


Updated some of the icons of the Build Menu categories.

Tweaked the visual look and animations of the following buildings:

  • The Insect Farm.
  • The Sawmill.
  • The Logging Camp.
  • The Lumber Yard.

Widened the panel shown when a trade needs to be confirmed.

  • This should now allow texts and resources to fit better.

Added a resource box for Medicinal Herb.

  • Previously the colonists would be carrying an invisible box to the storage when Medicinal Herb was being produced.

Fixed an issue with the icicles shown on the Botanical Garden.

Balance Adjustments

Updated the resources the society Coalition offers to be more consistent.

Slightly increased the work area of the Radiator and its upgrade.

Increased the work area of the Transformer and its upgrade.

Windows Project Pingu Windows Depot 684451
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