The first major patch for Aberration is here! Fixing glaring issues, and some minor ones too!
Thank you for your patience everyone. I've spent the last few days fixing up the game. Some bugs I found, and some bugs you all found. Again, I thank each and everyone one of you for playing, and interacting in the forums to let me know! :)
Here's a list of the fixes;
Settings menu will no longer reset to default upon exiting.
Prevented the close button on options not working consistently if you returned to the menu from the pause screen.
Settings menu screen size's have been streamlined and will now work consistently.
Fixed certain sounds not adhering to volume control changes.
Resolution can now be set correctly without issue.
Added interactive camera to mitigate different aspect ratios cutting off important objects. For eg, the lamp in the mansion hallway study. Or the mug in the break room.
Added a few colliders to compensate different aspect ratios, which previously would give you the ability to transition through walls and break the game.
Updated certain sound effects which would not fire previously
Made the swan code easier to read. You can now left click on the numbers, and the detective can read them out!
Various other small fixes
Again, thank you for being patient. There will be some more minor tweaks and updates as the need arises to make this experience the best possible version of what you paid for.
Have a good day everyone! :)
~ Tiernan
Changed files in this update