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Corpse Mansion update for 9 March 2022

Corpse Mansion - Update Release 1.2.7

Share · View all patches · Build 8056308 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:23:31 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey, guys! We're back with another update with some overdue features and bug fixes. If you find any new bugs or just want to leave us some feedback, please consider signing up for our support forums, available exclusively for our users, and posting your topic here. This not only helps other players, but you will get a faster response to your inquiry.


  • Added new Gas Mask Steam Achievements to the game.
  • Added new weak mob type "Rat".
  • Updated steam achievement images for some of the different tiers.
  • Adjusted the title screen graphics to show the colours better.
  • Some minor performance updates.
  • Added optional advanced combat tutorial that the player can choose not to do and just add to their library instead. Please note: The basic tutorial for combat is still required to pass.
  • Added new dialogue sub system which allows the player to barter with NPC's for the amount of reward money they will receive after they complete their mission. The barter will trigger if Cole doesn't agree on an amount suggested by an NPC. (Will show the final agreed upon amount in the mission log.) This will be offered to the player for different select missions. throughout the game. There are a few things to note:
  1. An NPC will never accept a deal more than double their offer.
  2. The best way to get the most friendship points will always be to just accept their offer.
  3. The more closer to the max you try to get, the more likely you will lose friendship points instead.
  • Added the new hero dead pose that should now change Cole's sprite to show that he's died when it's game over.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Elena would let you pass without equipping your gun first.
  • Fixed a bug when the game was saved in the middle of a tutorial and the player decides to save the game and load their save file later. If they changed their method of play from either controller to keyboard or keyboard to controller the keys would not update in the tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies would avoid getting hit when firing the M16 upwards OR using the Machete upwards. (Fixed by Team Member Vladimir Skripnikov)
Windows Corpse Mansion Windows Depot 1462191
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