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Devil Slayer - Raksasi / 斩妖Raksasi update for 20 January 2022

Advance Notice: Netherworld

Share · View all patches · Build 8053433 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.


The Netherworld, or rather the Realm of the Dead, is in reality a space interconnected with our world. It coexists with the world, or perhaps the realm crashed into ours at some point, no one knows. The Netherworld overlap with our world at several locations, the most well-known being the Netherworld Way. By traversing this intersection one can pass between the two realms. Some say that the souls of the dead are drawn toward the Netherworld, but the reality is not as cut and dry. First, few actually know the location of the Netherworld Way; second, those with strength enough to pass are few and far between.

In the Netherworld there are evil spirits on the prowl, some of their number are enormous. Evil spirits are surprisingly weak, yet it's dangerous if too many set their sites on you. Their incorporeal bodies allow them to pass right through your weapons and attack you. There are two explanations for where this type of ghost comes from. One has it that they are a race created in the Netherworld. The other has it that they are the spirits of those departed from our world. There is yet another explanation though, and that is that the Netherworld are a world that lives off of our own like a parasite.

There are two Mandarin officials of extraordinary ability that stand guard over the Netherworld Way, one white and one black. They are charged with preventing humans and ghosts from travelling back and forth between the two worlds. Thanks to them, the influence of the two worlds on one another has certainly decreased. The white-clad Mandarin wields a mourning stick, which can shatter any spirit armor and absorb magic power. Legend has it that the White Ghost Mandarin will knock out any person crossing the Netherworld Way and throw them into the Santu River, the River of Three Crossings. The black-clad Mandarin wields a Soulbinder Cord that it can use to shatter any spirit armor. If it is used to ensnare a target, it will rob them of their magic power. Legend has it that the Black Ghost Mandarin will seize upon any ghosts that attempt to cross the Netherworld Way and drag them back to the Netherworld.

The New Boss

Meng Po

"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
In life, Meng Po was a Yinyang thaumaturgist who once conducted research into and explored the Netherworld. A portion of this book comes from her own handwritten manuscripts. Meng Po lost a battle of love against her rival in her later years, and so died after taking a homemade poison. What's curious is that after she passed, her spirit proceeded to the Netherworld via the Netherworld Way. It was later found that she was residing in the Netherworld Way. All who journey to the Netherworld and all ghosts that come back to this mortal coil, all must eat her soup. By her influence, the influence of the two worlds upon each other seems to have lessened.

Meng Po Soup

Consumable item. A random Relic is lost upon consumption, but three random ones are granted.
"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
Meng Po of the Netherworld Way has a bottomless pot of soup that possesses a strange effect wherein it is able to rewrite the memories of whomever consumes it. While legend has it the soup is meant to relieve one of worries leftover from their past life, the truth is not so simple.

Nether Queen

"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
Numbering amongst the few Ghost Empresses of the Netherworld is the breathtaking Nether Queen. She is notoriously fickle, liable to disappear at the drop of a hat, perhaps off to roam the mortal coil, perhaps not. Her temperament is likewise notoriously mercurial, becoming enraged for seemingly no reason. She's just as liable to launch an attack as she is to stand by on the sidelines in utter silence observing the drama unfold before her. All that have seen her have had themselves robbed of the blood flowing through their veins in short order by her lustrous, silken hair. It has never ended well for either party when she has set her sights upon a Devil Slayer.

A Strand of Sable Hair

Shoots out threads that strike at enemies through the ground, dealing damage and inflicts bleed.
"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
Many a ghost story consists of hair that is able to grow on its own and steal lives. As far as we know Nether Queen's hair does possess this ability. Her silken hair still possesses vitality even if separated from her body.

Rising Moon

"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
We've been quite curious about the Netherworld, for a millennium in fact. Our research into this world has never stopped. The most effective way is to send the souls of the recently departed, though this has not been without incident. Ten years ago, the tragedy of Hongde Xu created conflict, and we ended up using soul transmission to extend his life in the Netherworld. We lost contact with his spirit after that though. We did bump into his wandering spirit in the Netherworld later on, though he had forgotten everything, and even attacked us. We suspect that it could well be that our actions were discovered and a formidable inhabitant of the Netherworld decided to intervene, hence Hongde Xu attacking us. Rising Moon has become a terrifying force, nay a specter that haunts our efforts in the Netherworld.


A longsword born of the Netherworld. Cold enough to freeze the very ground itself, making slows against enemies twice as potent.
X-X-X: Slash-Slash-Chop (Guard Break, Smash, Freeze)
X Charge up: Double Slash (Guard Break, Freeze)
Y: Chop (Guard Break, Smash)
Y Hold: Riposte (Guard Break, Smash, Freeze)
B: Dodge (40 stamina)
"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
Having been transformed into Rising Moon within the Netherworld, Hongde Xu received a new artifact—Frostrend. This weapon is born of the Netherworld and emits howling winds capable of freezing the very ground itself. Should it appear in the mortal realm it will definitely make it into the Compendium of Arms.

Miss Mu

"Strange Tales from the Netherworld"
I was during my youth fortunate enough to encounter the primal fox, Miss Mu, and from her I learned the exploding palm, a technique I've used throughout my life. I love smoking, perhaps a habit I picked up from her. She is indifferent to the world at large but loves exploring new and strange places. However, she entered the Netherworld Way some decades ago, disappearing without a trace.

Hongde's Letter

Hongde Xu's corporeal form. Once hit points drop to 0 you will return to your original form. Usable one time per chapter.

X-X-X: Dash Slash - Dash Slash - Pierce (defense break, knockdown)
X Hold: Riposte (defense break)
Y: Tornado Gale (defense break, knockback, knockdown)
Y Charge up: Heavenly Punishment (defense break)
B: Dodge (30 stamina)


Soul Prison: Steal a target's soul upon killing them. Soulrend: Release souls to attack enemies.
X-X: Double Iaijutsu
X Hold: Riposte (Guard Break)
Y: Iaijutsu
Y Charge up: Soulrend (Guard Break, 80 stamina, Release Souls)
B: Dodge (40 stamina)
"Compendium of Arms: The Lost"
Muramasa is a longsword of unknown origin engraved with the name Muramasa. Enemies slain by this blade have their souls imprisoned, something which has given it the name Muramasa, the Demon Blade. There is little known about this weapon and the little that is known is currently not included in the list.

Changed depots in devtest branch

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Windows 斩妖Raksasi Content Depot 1016601
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