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Regiments Playtest update for 20 January 2022

Update 5 & Survey

Share · View all patches · Build 8052603 · Last edited 20 January 2022 – 07:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update 5 took far longer than initially planned due to a plethora of technical difficulties, but nevertheless, it's here.


Along with the Survey: you can access it directly via or use an in-game button. We've got a lot of helpful feedback already and now we're looking to get a better quantitive understanding of what works and what needs work.
It would help a lot, should you find the time to take it.


I plan to do one more Update before switching completely from the Playtest issues towards the new content. Playtest will remain public during that time.

  • Circular LOS tool is back and replaces the Point-to-Point version

  • Platoon icon additions:

  • Cover Icon - displays a hollow shield when in any cover, displays full shield when entrenched
  • Soldier count bar - allows getting a general idea about the remaining dismount strength of the mechanized platoon
  • It is now possible to see enemy XP level when the platoon is fully identified. That should allow to adjust tactics accordingly and provide a better understanding of enemy force quality levels.
  • Add 'Revert' button for Engineering assets during deployment - it will remove all sites & obstacles placed in this phase

  • 'Enemy PsyOps' card also inflicts a -20% suppression resistance to all your platoons (auto-retreat alone seemed like a net neutral effect)

  • 'No Supplies' card now prevents deploying the supply platoons.
    Depending on the feedback and tests, I may revise it to be milder and allow to deploy supply platoons at a cost premium or with lower capacity.

  • East German tank task force Korrektur price down to 100 OP

  • Experimental balance pass:

  • MBTs now have a bit more HE punch, especially higher calibers
  • Changed the way soldier casualties are calculated vs HE rounds - reducing the amount of random
  • Trenches cover bonus bumped to 60% BUT it no longer stacks with the terrain. 50% in open and massive 75% in urban are all now compressed to the 60% which is slightly less than the 'trench in a forest' before. Sticking to cover is still beneficial for stealth.
  • Changed the damage calc for non-penetrating hits. Generally, more damage passes through now - especially for powerful hits. But the damage threshold has been increased, such that autocannons are no longer guaranteed to inflict 'chip' damage.
  • Supply platoons can change the mode now, like mech infantry. In standard mode, they only resupply your units. In special mode, they can also resupply allies.
    Allies no longer get repaired "for free".

  • Restored speed malus for reverse movement: -20%

  • Platoon stacks that don't have enough units to deploy in full strength now have their count 'pips' colored red

  • Add explicit FPS limit setting. FPS limit only works when VSync is disabled.

  • Add setting to disable Chromatic Abberation

  • Added another popup hint - explaining how to advance to the next stages early. Similar to the Phase hint, it will stop appearing after two displays.

  • Important messages are now highlighted in the OpLog

  • Adjusted the grass & water shaders to lessen the GPU load

  • Fix post-battle and post-operation kill list bugs (maybe third time's the charm?)

  • Fix Big cut-offs - when you cut-off several nodes at once, they should now correctly become neutral

  • Fix command panel tooltip positioning

  • Fix cases where end-of-phase clean-up may be bypassed. That should fix all instances where Event Card effects stayed active for more than one phase

  • Fix 'Repair depot destroyed' card actually increasing the repair speed

  • Fix PT-76 displaying wrong gun and armor

  • Fix soldiers 'teleporting' into the transport on load

  • Fix dirt splashes for MG/AC hits vs helicopters

  • Fix a potential 'double refund' for strongpoints after moving to the next stage

Regiments Playtest Content Depot 1852281
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