The most dangerous specimens collected for research are held in an area with no connection to the rest of the station. Having to take a shuttle to and from the facility has been complained about from the beginning but right now it makes perfect sense. Shame it might get you killed...
The alien specimens have awakened and broken free and are killing everyone in their path. Your only hope is to space them. Preferably without joining them. There is a safe room where you can lock yourself in while spacing the rest of the research area. Any potential survivors will get spaced as well but at least you'll be safe! It requires the activation of several overrides in order to open the safe room door, and they are scattered all over the area. Because of course they are. Things always make as little sense as possible.
Avoid getting seen and cornered by the aliens. Disable doors for temporary security while you finish your tasks. You might want to ignore the dying screams of your co-workers as well.
Do what it takes to become the Sole Survivor!
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