-New boss for stage 2 : Inti Quilla.
-Added trails to projectiles.
-Modified engravings around rooms for each room type.
-Added name and life displays for bosses.
-New enemies for stage 3 and a new type of bomb.
-Added 4 new unique artifacts only available on bosses and once per game each. (they will become unlockable later).
-Modified the background image of the gained artifact window.
-Reduced the max volume of the audio mixers.
-Modified the data saving system to be compatible for a new mode later. (if you had a saved game, before this update, it will be deleted on launch).
The next update will mainly focus on sounds and musics for gameplay and adding some extra effects to Inti Quilla.
Then i will start working on a boss for stage 3, new enemies for stage 4, and a resource system linked to a new mode to create custom rooms.
Facebook group:
JulFlux Games
Changed files in this update