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Factorio update for 21 January 2022

Version 1.1.53 released as stable

Share · View all patches · Build 8047067 · Last edited 21 January 2022 – 16:26:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • When using /swap-players undo queues are now also swapped.
  • Improve performance of querying if an entity is registered for deconstruction from O(N) to O(1).
  • Adjusted default music volume.


  • Fixed that if biters took damage from a forest fire, they would path toward the player who started it, no matter the distance. more
  • Fixed that replacing a tile between a colliding hidden tile (with check_collision_with_entities set to true) and an entity would not yield an item.
  • Fixed that LuaGameScript::ban_player would incorrectly use reason as a player name when given player was never in game. more
  • Fixed that the saving progress bar and other popups were placed behind the transparent pause overlay. more
  • Fixed a scenario could be created with temporary-state trains which were not properly deleted. more
  • Fixed a crash when using --map-settings while loading a multiplayer map. more
  • Fixed that trying to manually mine a resource that needs a mining fluid would sometimes produce sound of mining. more
  • Fixed script rendered arcs could be considered invisible when they were visible. more
  • Fixed that LuaEntity::belt_neighbours would return LuaEntity based on EntityGhost's inner entity, not the EntityGhost itself. more
  • Fixed fish preventing tiles building with check_collision_with_entities enabled.
  • Fixed that trains would not account for the train stop snap distance when already at the train stop with the back of a train. more
  • Fixed the intro music volume being set incorrectly.
  • Fixed that --start-server-load-latest when given an empty saves folder wouldn't work correctly. more
  • Fixed missing efficiency tooltip and incorrect fuel consumption tooltip value in generator equipment with burner energy source.
  • Fixed ghost electric poles connecting to ghost electric poles of other forces. Neutral force is exempt from this change. more
  • Fixed that biters would sometimes prefer running away over choosing another target. more
  • Fixed trains pathfinder would crash when a train is in a loop next to segment end and was requested to go to rail target in the middle of a loop. more
  • Fixed multi-level technologies showing the same saved progress in technology GUI. more
  • Fixed an icon of recipe notification on item group would show even if there are no recipes visible in a given context. more
  • Fixed a crash when defining too many icon variations. more
  • Fixed changing station name with rich text tags could crash when moving cursor by words. more
  • Fixed LuaBurner::inventory did not work correctly for some burner-energy-source entities. more
  • Fixed a crash caused by undoing an entity deconstruction which another player already cancelled. more


  • Added EntityPrototype::protected_from_tile_building, true by default. If set to false - entity won't block tile mining/building (with TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities enabled).
  • Added LandMinePrototype::trigger_collision_mask.
  • Added EntityWithOwnerPrototype.
  • Added EntityWithOwnerPrototype::is_military_target and allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target.
  • SimpleEntityWithForce now inherits from SimpleEntityWithOwner.
  • SpiderEnginePrototype::military_target is no longer used. If anything is provided it will make related SpiderVehiclePrototype to become a military target instead.


  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::trigger_collision_mask read.
  • Added LuaEntity::is_military_target read. This deprecates LuaEntity::is_entity_with_force.
  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::is_entity_with_owner, is_military_target and allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target read.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_spider_legs().
  • Added LuaEntity::neighbours read for cliffs.
Windows 64-bit Factorio Win64 Depot 427521
  • Loading history…
Linux 64-bit Factorio Linux64 Depot 427523
  • Loading history…
macOS Factorio OSX Depot 427525
  • Loading history…
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