1.31 is beefier than the 1.3 milestone, with a lot of improvements.
A few players provided more detailed feedback, from bugs that still needed to be fixed to major and minor annoyances. Gotta fix 'em all!
Once again a heartfelt thank you to these players for helping me polish the game.
To improve mid game challenge I've also incorporated some balance tweaks.
Spoiler alert.
- Stock from traders is no longer unlimited, market prices respond to global availability, stock refreshed gradually with every shipment.
- Rover diagram changed, reflects damage when you break down on the world map screen.
- Secret achievement now triggers directly instead of when you finish the game. It's also a little easier to get.
- Tabs of the inventory panel that do not require the inventory buttons no longer show them.
- Daxia's Rover upgrade now described in rover tab.
- Nitrogen for 'For the Republic' quest can be tracked in Outpost stock window.
- Chinese message after satellite crashed changes depending on what you did at their base, if you visit them very early in the game.
- Easier to sit down at the driver's seat when the rover crashes.
- Stranded Rover now has a proper location sprite.
- Added Herschel Condcuctors research profile for the minor free upgrade you get when you build the first supercomputer.
- Made Herschel Thermoelectric more expensive.
- Main Menu on the title screen less jittery and consistent with the rest of the new UI. Improved legibility of a few screens.
- Logistical map now only changes to rotation icon when you right click, like it does in the rover world map. Rotation clickable area increased.
- Sunny disposition now lets you have 150% morale instead of a reduced decrease, anything over 100 is called 'sunny'.
- Quantum Dot Thermoelectrics nerfed.
- Yat-sen plutonium stock lowered.
- Tuxing Liu Hangar ladder is now an interactable where you can spy on Daxia. It tells you to use the elevator instead.
- Improved lighting and shadows in the main base hub.
- Player headlights improved in Outpost vicinity.
- Slightly reduced loading time for Outpost vicinity.
- Debuffs and rebuffs now work correctly when combining multiple consumables and having them expire on top of each other.
- Stoic now correctly lowers morale decrease by 80%.
- If you skip time and switch the date format, it will reflect the change without refreshing the window.
- Movement commands are blocked while interacting with something and not queued up.
- Exiting the inside builder interface with the Melt/Excavate icon in placement mode will no longer mess with the positioning highlight.
- Tooltips no longer persist if you close a window while they're active.
- Persuasion Goals no longer get hidden after the first negotiation in a game session.
- While hooking up a pump, adding a part to the pump itself will no longer place it in front of the pump regardless of blockage.
- Ling will now correctly take your transponder in all dialogue paths where he says he will.
- Items removed from inventory through dialogue are no longer selected in the inventory panel.
- Sparrow Lacus no longer has a broken pump in place if Abaya Lacus has a pump installed.
- Double VO line about the decoder chip for Karl fixed.
- Getting Torque Master perk more than once in a single game session (After reloading and picking it again) no longer stacks its effects.
- Inventory and Equipment tabs are now easier to click when you're on the Rover tab.
- Interactable for Talt Lander in the Outpost vicinity no longer shows an arrow deep underground when highlighting points of interest.
- Horst double dialogue fixed when asking about Herschel Polymers.
- Removed shipment notification after trading with Yat-Sen (his items have always been directly put in your inventory).
- Opening research after loading a save with less progress than the current one will no longer show research that is not yet available if the research panel was open while loading.
- Tutorial no longer displays old message on quickload.
- Rover exit screen will no longer overlay contextual item use image if you apply an item to something just before.
- Yat-sen interaction spot no longer moves the player character up a fraction.
- Tuxing liu control center door fixed
- Running animation glitch when clicking on interactables before arriving at one fixed.
- Toolbar tooltip being enabled on reload fixed.
Changed files in this update