This update focuses on improving the battles. There is now a per unit battle log, so when you inspect a unit in battle you will only see his part of the battle log. There is also a new unit list, press F1 in a battle to see a list of all participants, including dead units so their cause of death can be inspected in their log.
Ice in battles has now got stats and a catapult might smash through it with their boulders, creating patches of open water.
There are also some new spells, magic items, AI & pathfinding improvements, new modding features and the usual bug fixes. The network lobby seems to work quite well now, so the beta warning has finally been removed.
- F1 battle unit list
- Per unit battle log
- Improved battle log info
- Pathfinding now prefers straight paths and to avoid dangerous squares
- Magic items are no longer removed from unit until after battle is over
- Now possible to find magic items after dying on the world map
- 6 new magic items
- Farm battlemap
- Fairy Circle battle map
- Battleground ice now has stats and can be destroyed
- Battle terrain mist
- New vegetation: Cabbage
- Certain spells will now target terrain instead if no enemy is nearby
- 2 new spells: Aura of Unlife, Ring of Flames
- Fix for circle area of effects
- Fix for name of Emperor's Statue
- Could sometimes have festering wound and diseased simultaneously
- Token for commander on a ship was not drawn correctly
- Could get cloudfolk recruitment offers without owning suitable citadel
- Could activate any square with 'o' and lose AP
- Different items with fire/cold resistances now stack
- Paralyze spell no longer affects lifeless beings
- Teleport move works for mid/back rankers too
- Call of the Wild now results in a message for all enemy players
- Fix for scrollbar in View Messages resetting after reading a message
- Fix for magic maps sometimes not updating scryed area properly
- Troll Forests now lower the morale of non-troll owned units
- Message if a commander dies from disease
- Festering Wound has a chance to heal
- Illusionist Spell Mirrors less likely to empty themselves on a gate
- Mention location's name in battle messages
- Cloud Forests spread strange mist
- Reanimate Tree didn't always take effect, fixed
- Potential crash fix
- Can no longer steal magic items from stupid units
- Fixed info for magic items with morale bonus
- Fixed plane shift description
- Fix for scrollbar in shop screen
- Catapults no longer become Giant Soulless when transformed
- Templar more expensive in iron 15 -> 35
- Typo & stat fixes
Network / Multiplayer
- Removed network lobby beta warning
- Network lobby games are now deleted after 3 weeks of inactivity (was 2)
- Max nbr of teams increased to 14
- Right click to lower team number
- It was not possible to start team games after removing a player in the middle
- AI better at handling portals
- Cloud Lord AI improvements
- AI better at not flying too far and falling down
- Fix for mid ranks units not advancing properly when front rankers are dead
- Defenders less likely to rush out if they have an enchanted gate
- AI will no longer stop to cast rituals when on a dangerous tile
- New monster commands: likesterr, lovesterr, hatesterr
- New terrain commands: swamp, mistrare
- newunits and promoteunits didn't set the target unit, fixed
Changed files in this update