Hello dudes and dudettes,
sorry for the long wait, but in the past months, while our studio was engulfed in the fog of the Po valley, we were busy doing the following things: porting Doom & Destiny Worlds to mobile, fixing and improving the game, adding more content and eating panettone.
While we managed to eat a lot of panettone (with raisins and candied fruit), the porting is taking more than we expected and it left us with a messy game code that prevented us from updating too often the game.
Despite the porting not being yet ready, we managed to publish SOME of the many new stuff we have developed and this update mainly focus on a few bug fixes and many QoL improvements for singleplayer & multiplayer, plus a new style for the Lampyridae Worlds cities.
And don't forget FENCES!!!
Update 14155 changes:
- Overall treasure drop rebalance. Added more variety and consistency.
- Added to the Bundle 8: Wood, 4 Fences with their Gates. Enjoy trapping monsters and farm animals!
- Added a new armor: Warmage Mantle, hidden somewhere in tier 4 Georama island.
- Added a new spell to all Spellbooks when crafted with tier 3 and 4 materials.
- Added 4 simple "backpack" to easily allow players, in multiplayer mode, to stack and sort resources.
- Added many new Walls to the House Bundle, the same used in the Lampyridae world re-styled cities.
- Added a new piece of furniture to the Exotic Bundle: a Rolled Carpe
- Added a new set of Exotic Windows to the Exotic Bundle. You can preview them by visiting the Lampyridae cities.
- Lampyridae Worlds cities and village style revisited.
- Added the SCARECROW to the garden bundle blueprint
- Updated the aesthetic of the Tunic.
- Added particles effects when interacting with Shelfs and Stalls.
- Limited the maximum zoom of small objects in the crafting menu.
- Made it easier to move the cursor in the bestiary.
- Changed the way the survival GUI uses the available space depending on the window size.
- Now recipes that are not enabled in current game mode will not show in the recipes progress section.
- Turned off Drowning if the character is pushed to water by an invisible wall.
- Removed the coloration of stat requirements in the crafting details.
- Added a way to move characters between parties in multiplayer games.
- Updated the aesthetic of the Tunic.
Bug Fix
- The Extract potion now works as intended.
- Fixed the name of the Elixir when crafted using various soothing ingredients.
- Fixed a crash when in multiplayer one of the players entered in a building while another was in a boat.
- Fixed some issues with using the mouse in the inventory.
- Fixed an hang up in the crafting window when inspecting a craft details.
- Fixed some overlapping of texts while in the inventory and setting a favorite item.
- Fixed the positioning of the crafting stats icons.
- Fixed the shape of the cursor when moving btw icons in the detailed actor stats.
- Fixed the a bug where the chinese font could be cut in the new game window.
- Fixed the insulation preview of an item in the crafting menu.
- Fixed the display of the XP counter in the inventory when the amount of XP is big.
- Fixed an issue where text could be slightly cut at the right side if the length was just right.
- Fixed the coloring of the character selection window to match the player color.
- Fixed an issue with the icon of the chest not showing when moving an item.
Changed files in this update