Hello Agents!
We are excited to bring a new quality of life update to Agent Intercept! This includes a new 5.1 Surround Sound audio feature update, as well as shadow improvements and various bug fixes. We want to thank players for offering their feedback, sharing their gameplay, and enjoying our game.
See you in the field, Agent. The world needs you!
Full Update List:
- Added 5.1 Surround Sound audio mix.
- Added faded shadow cascades.
Bug Fixes:
Updated controller labels in menus.
Fixed controller rumble settings.
Fixed issues with height fog and road vignette.
Fixed intel point incrementation.
Fixed issue with Rocket vent animations.
Rainbow boost now looks better!
Various audio fixes.
Fix for the following achievements not being awarded.
- Arctic Ace
- Desert Daredevil
- Agency's Fastest
- Agency's Best
- Agency's Sharpest
- Danger is My Middle Name
- Earned a Break.
Changed files in this update