Howdy! Coming at you with a patch build today that focuses mainly on cleaning up a lot of rough spots in the game, as well as adding some additional QoL features! Here's a full list of changes:
===== NEW =====
- Minigames now keep track of high scores.
- There are now leaderboards for each minigame. The leaderboard is located nearby to the minigame. It will show the times for your friends, as well as global and your overall ranking.
===== IMPROVED =====
- A new Details pane has been added to the map screen. Scroll around the map, zoom in (if you're not already) and then press the button (Default Z on keyboard, A (Green) on XBox Gamepads) to open the details pane for that area.
- This Details pane will tell you all the Cat Coins you've collected for that area, and may give you hints for ones you haven't collected yet.
- You can also see scores for minigames on this screen. However, since the game was not keeping track of this before, they will show as if you had never done them even if you have. This is not a bug, I just can't time travel into the past to get that info.
- The Stats screen has been overhauled and now tells you how many Lance Letters you have across the entire game, as well as the game's completion rating (This one is accurate.)
- Red X Markers will now flash on the map screen to make them easier to see.
- Bumper objects now have a proper animation.
- The Gear Arrow puzzle element's animation and interaction has been improved.
- Made significant improvements to the "Show Controls" screen.
- Improved the transition animations between different types of menus. (aka the "scroll" menu won't just suddenly pop in when you've closed the map, input display, etc)
- The file select on the title screen will now show your LANCE letter totals and completion rating on that file.
- Improved the minimap updating routine for better performance.
- Improved several other screens that display text, such as the feedback or credits screen.
===== CHANGED =====
- The map screen controls have been changed slightly to accommodate for the new Details subscreen.
- Controls are now shown on the bottom of the map screen.
- More NPCs have been added to the Deep Woods, though you'll only see them if you haven't beaten the Mushroom Boss yet.
- A couple Fish Scales have been moved to accommodate for the new NPCs. You'll have to collect them again. For reference, they're in the Deep Woods by the big lake.
- Removed the debug function of listing directories because it didn't actually help anyone.
- Credits screen has been updated with a new layout and additional credits.
===== BUG FIXES =====
- Fixed a bug where the game was not keeping track of achievements internally. Now if you use the same save file between the Playtest and Full versions of the game, you should get any achievements owed as soon as you load the file.
- Fixed a bug where the combo multiplier would draw over certain menus, as well as the map screen.
- Possibly fixed all bugs relating to the Mushroom Boss not recoloring properly during combat for various reasons. Let me know if it still doesn't change colors.
- Fixed a bug where the map screen map wasn't drawing the entirety of rooms you partially visited.
- Fixed a bug where Red X destination markers would not show if you've never been to the area in which they're shown.
- Fixed a bug where the map screen would not show the area with a gold border (100%) completion immediately.
- Fixed a bug where the map screen would position weirdly if Lance was currently in part of the area that doesn't show on the map screen.
- Fixed a bug where running out of health during a Marcus' Adventure could cause issues with the game.
- Possibly fixed the bug where the map screen would sometimes show a map completion rating of inf%. If you still see weird percentages, please let me know because I was never able to reproduce this myself.
- Fixed a bug where deleting a save file and then starting a new game in that same save slot would cause some game data from the old save to carry over into the new game.
- Fixed a bug where the minimap would not update when breaking a boulder or solving some light beam puzzles.
- Fixed a bug where some supporters were not grouped into the correct group depending on how much they're supporting.
Changed files in this update