Hi folks,
This patch adds to the game a new Organization of Supernatural Bounty Hunters, called the 'Ember Dawn'. Ember Dawn is more suited for playing solo, as progressing to their ranks will be penalizing your Ally Slots, and will give you access to Combat & Esotericism (and either Hunting or Angelic Runes through a secondary path).
There is also a new Mercenary subclass 'Berserker' focusing on hit hard, at the expense of defense.
We have several new cards in the Combat, Esotericism, Hunting and Angelic Runes sets, some are obviously for the new organization, but also a few more for everyone with access to these skills.
Skeleton Keys, and finally some minor balance tweaks based on your feedback:
- Defend got a buff: Defend will now gain +2 / Card Level instead of +1 / Card Level. This is a level up rule, part of the ModLoader settings which you can customize as you see fit and keep, revert or increase further.
- Loyalty got a nerf: "Next time an Ally attacks add all your Loyalty bonus to their total Damage. You lose any remaining Loyalty bonus."
- Allies got a nerf (But only in the 5+ Skull modes): Deployed Allies now have an upkeep cost of 1 Concentration / Turn). Or otherwise, the more allies you start the turn with the less action cards you can play before reaching fatigue. This is a game mode setting which you can customize as you see fit, and include or exclude from any mode.
You can read more details in the patch notes below
Patch Notes - 17/01 # 1.031.5
New Content
- Added new playable Organization: Ember Dawn and their assorted cards.
- Added a new Mercenary subclass: Berserker.
- Added new Combat cards.
- Added new Esotericism cards.
- Added new Hunting cards.
- Added new Angelic Runes cards.
- Added a few extra perks in the War Veteran, Spellblade, Brawler and Berserker subclasses.
- Added a few extra perks in the Monster Hunter, Vampire Hunter, Witch Hunter & Bounty Hunter subclasses.
Misc Changes & Additions
- RULE CHANGES (Defend): Defend will now gain +2 / Card Level instead of +1 / Card Level.
- A different value or the old value can be set by changing / removing from ModLoader the '## LR#Defend:1'
- RULE CHANGES (Banish): "Targets weak to Banish receive x Intense DMG and (Card Level + 1) Burn counters (regardless their Burn immunity)."
- Undead, Spirits, Demons & Shapeshifter also count as 'Supernatural' creatures for the purpose of certain keywords or targetting requirements.
- ALLY UPKEEP: Campaign, Pariah, Scorched Earth, Chosen & Campaign+ modes now have AllyActivationUpkeep set to 1: "Deployed Allies have an upkeep cost of 1 Concentration / Turn". Custom Modes of difficulty 5+ also have AllyActivationUpkeep set to 1 by default. Can be deactivated by setting "AllyActivationUpkeep":0
- Tweaked Angelic Runes set.
- Locked Chests (in Events) now have the option to unlock them using a Skeleton Key (if the PC has one in their Stash).
- RULE CHANGES Loyalty: Loyalty rule will now read: "Next time an Ally attacks add all your Loyalty bonus to their total Damage. You lose any remaining Loyalty bonus."
- Fixed a couple of typos in cards and perks.
New Game Mode Properties
- MaxLoyalty:x, you can use it to set a cap in the Max Loyalty you can have. (Keep in mind that certain cards need you to Expend Loyalty in order to play them). Default value of 0 means no cap. This property isn't used in any vanilla modes.
- AllyActivationUpkeep:x, you can use to set a Concentration upkeep for maintaining allies. Each time an ally activates you pay x Concentration. Default value of 0 means no upkeep. This property is used only in the 5+ skull vanilla modes.
Other Modding/Event System Additions
- Has:[Cardname], can be used in choices to quickly check if the player has at least 1 copy of Cardname in their Stash.
- ie. @IF: Has:Skeleton Key, will return true if the player has a Skeleton Key in their Stash.
- PCHas[Cardname / Spaces as _] can be used along with Update as a native Ink variable.
- ie. to define: VAR PCHasSkeleton_Key = false
- To update: # Grant:Rewards # Update:PCHasSkeleton_Key
- {PCHasSkeleton_Key}, will then return false or true in our Inkscript logic depending if the player has or not the Skeleton Key.
- Note to Modders: The difference between Has:[Cardname] and CardCount:[Cardname][<= or >=][value] (which can be used to check if the player owns a certain amount of cards), is that CardCount doesn't care where these cards are, as long as the player owns them. Has: requires that this card is in the Stash (owned but not currently in the player's Deck).
- ie. @IF: CardCount: Skeleton Key>=1, will return true even if the player has the Skeleton Key in their Deck.
- Remove:[Cardname], can be used as a reward string to permanently remove a copy of Cardname from the player's Stash.
- ie. # Grant:Rewards # Remove:Skeleton Key
Changed files in this update