Customary when we release a big milestone update are the quick-fix updates that follow soon after. These past few days we've pushed a series of fixes to smooth out the experience further. Thank you so much for your feedback!
1.4.1 changelist
- Fixed: rooms disappearing in the lobby.
- Fixed: Liftoff-logo hanging in infinite race when no bots/ghosts are flying with you.
- Fixed: Night Fever skins not loading in the drone editor.
- Fixed: Soupape V2 antenna weight.
- Fixed: uncolorable skins having custom colors applied anyway.
1.4.2 changelist
- Optimized: removed entities in the game code that could cause CPU spikes.
- Fixed: changing flight mode is now saved between drone resets.
- Fixed: foodstands in the Short Circuit environment don't pop anymore.
- Fixed: the Bluecheese paddock in the Short Circuit environment has its visuals restored.
- Fixed: the button assignment popup now shows the current action being re-assigned again.
- Fixed: some errors in the French translations.
- Removed: the white bar in the multiplayer ranking bar, which visually separates in-game players from players in the lobby, has been removed.
- Fixed: the multiplayer chat did not hiding with the rest of the UI when pressing F1.
- Fixed: the battery now doesn't drain anymore before the start of a race, while waiting for others to start.
- Fixed: issue with multiplayer classic and dropout race not progressing as expected.
- Fixed: the multiplayer 'disconnect' issue where this would happen after a (long) loading time.
- Fixed: Updating an existing item on the Steam Workshop now completes as expected.
Disabled Vulkan on Windows
We have noticed some issues that got reported are related to Vulkan rendering, and do not occur with the standard rendering. We have now disabled Vulkan rendering as an option for Windows.
We are hopeful this might eliminate a lot of issues for people.
Changed files in this update