Hey everyone - Parkour Tag will be leaving the "Early Access" category in the near future! I am releasing the upcoming build (7.4.0) for all members of early access. Please help me ensure that it is ready to go!
- Created target practice mode for free roam
- Created new time trial game mode 'Orb Chase'
- Created checkpoint respawn system for free roam
- Added stat/title/ and steam achievement for new gamemodes
- Stats now track time trials completed
- Added 3 new time trial courses
- Adjusted S-Tier times for courses
- Time trial course page now displays times that have achieved S-Tier as green
- Renamed all time trial courses
- Online matchmaking can now be performed while in training modes
- Created new universal UI to display matchmaking updates
- Small adjustment to first person camera position on player avatar
- New UI menu for time trials
- Time trials now award exp drops on completion
- Improved course complete UI
- Patched private match exp glitch
- Escaping now awards more exp dynamically based on starting round length
- Added more vault detection rays to avatar
- Improved UI for event title placement on main menu
- Added 5 new emotes
- Added jumbotron tv screen to Arena and Courtyard
- Added camera which follows the runner on Arena and Courtyard
- Changed the way player avatar bodies render
- Added ambient noise to Courtyard
- Fixed out of map glitches for online maps
- Small graphical changes to maps
- Small adjustments to obstacles on maps
- Adjusted skybox colors for time trial courses
- Polished climb animation
- Moved Discord/Reddit link to extras tab and added new links for socials
- Added MAX Fps slider to settings page
- Improved default state of settings page
- Improved UI of settings page and main menu
- HUD is now default off on loading screen
- Added new interstitial loading screen
- Fixed enemy arrow pointer bug
- Fixed credits page
- New screenshots for online maps
- Improved scoreboard and popup canvas UI
- ?,?,?
Changed files in this update