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Age of Jura update for 20 January 2022

Age of Jura - The Jurassic RTS dinosaur game

Share · View all patches · Build 8030450 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Get ready for a RTS dinosaur game in an old forgotten age, the Age of Jura.

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A piece of history...

Let us go back to the age when humans lived among dinosaurs. I hear you thinking, "What?! Humans never lived amongst dinosaurs!". Let me enlighten you.

For a long period of time humans lived in the shadows of dinosaurs. The animals were always on the top of the food chain, and finally the humans just had about enough of it. The only way to break free from the constant threat was to eliminate the enemy.

There have been many theories about the extinction of dinosaurs. A meteor impact, a vulcanic eruption, sea-level regression, or even cosmic radiation from a nearby supernova. Now, the reason these stories exist is that people were actually a bit ashamed of the mass killing that went on in that age, so people were not speaking about it. After decades of generations the real story was lost, and people came up with there own theories.

But back to the real story. The age where humans finally stood up against their enemy.

Let's visit the Age of Jura.

Your main goal

Each island you discover is filled with your worst enemies; dinosaurs. Make sure the human race will be on top of the food chain.
Take control of a group of villagers and lead them in a top-down perspective to:

  • Gather resources
  • Research new technologies and weapons
  • Defend your village
  • Expand your colony
  • Hunt down all dinosaurs

Stranded on an island

Gather resources

Do some fishing

Build your village

Watch the animals expand

Time to do some damage

We can use the skins

Some meditation might bring us knowledge

With knowledge comes power

Expand your base

The further you go, the bigger the animals will get

Make sure you restore your group's health

Keep progressing and become the ruler of this world

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