Hey everyone!
The mod support BETA update is now live on the "modsupport" branch!
For the time being I've decided to officially support addition of new weapons. I figured this is what most people want when they think of mods.
You can check out the new example mod AS VAL on the Steam Workshop.
The "modsupport" branch is separate, as it features some changes to the rendering system which require a little bit of testing to make sure everything is working as intended.
Keep in mind that the mod will only load on the "modsupport" BETA branch, as it contains some changes which are necessary in order to make certain features related to modding easier.
If you're a modder and wish to add new weapons, you should definitely take a look at the mod's files to see how things work. If you wish to get a hold of the mod files without jumping through a bunch of hoops, then click here to download the mod files.
Additionally, check the modding intro guide here.
Don't forget to report any issues you encounter in this thread!
You can also join the official Discord server!
Thanks for reading, hope you're enjoying the game!
Changed depots in modsupport branch