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Vektor Z update for 16 January 2022

UPDATE 1.01 - Updated and Fixed Small Things Missed In Development

Share · View all patches · Build 8028752 · Last edited 16 January 2022 – 06:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Just a quick fix update that addressed a few little details in Vektor Z..

  1. The game will no longer offer you an extra ship and display "Game Over" at the same time. Now the "game over" words will not be seen until you have no lives and no option to buy an extra ship available to you.

  2. Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause zombies to not spawn correctly on the "Zawmbee A'Rock'Alypse" level.

  3. Fixed an issue on the "Vintage Venture" where sometimes the falling stars could be heard falling but couldn't be seen.

  4. Changed the wording on the "Turbulent Trauma" level so that it will now say "MISSED POINTS" on your death as opposed to "LOST POINTS" to avoid confusion. You cannot actually lose points in this game, so I apologize for any confusion and this should help avoid future confusion with that situation.

  5. Added windows on the Welcome and High Score screens that pop up a window if you hit the ESC button to confirm that you want to quit the game.

Like I said, just a few minor bugs. I'm surprised there hasn't been bigger bugs found or reported yet, but it wouldn't surprise me to see some here soon. If they exist, I will quickly resolve them as long as I am aware of them, so please don't be shy reporting any bugs or problems you might come across!

Thanks for supporting my game!

ZaxtorGameS (Solo indie game developer)

Vektor Z Content Depot 1855191
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