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House update for 16 January 2022

Patch 1.5 "Melodies"

Share · View all patches · Build 8028173 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Time to go home...

Several months have passed since Tabby broke free, and Melody has woken up into a rotting house abandoned by time. The fabric of reality twisting around her as a mysterious entity arrives to seal her fate.

  • Tabby’s depressed sister, Melody is now playable
  • Explore a twisted version of the house
  • Play songs to reshape fate
  • Die in all new gruesome ways
  • Groove to a brand new soundtrack
    • more to come!

Known issues
Due to the size and increase in scope of this update we've had a few memory-related issues causing the game to crash at times. We have been working hard to optimize it as best as we can and please ask patience while we sort it out.

Be sure to check out the HOUSE Discord server! It's the best place to get into contact with us or post bugs.

Here is the soundtrack! Available now on Bandcamp!

Thanks everyone again for playing HOUSE! We hope you enjoy this next chapter and thank you for being so patient while we worked on it. It's been over a year since the game came out and we've had 4 major free content updates since then. With 1.5 and previous updates we have essentially quadrupled the amount of content in HOUSE. We will be increasing the price to 9.99 Feb 1st. If you have yet to get the game and have it on your wishlist, you still have time to get it at its original and current price of 4.99!

We have another patch planned for some bugfixes and tidying up stuff on the way, but in the meantime, please do post any bugs you find and we will do our best to fix them! Thank you all again so much, and please stay tuned for what's next.

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