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Destiny of the World update for 16 January 2022

Early Access Release #13 (Version: 0.9.8050.29748)

Share · View all patches · Build 8027980 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:02:48 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Functionality:

  • Added the Tutorial to the game. The tutorial consists of three videos. The first tutorial video covers the Game Overview, Movement, and Combat. The second video covers both types of Production: Manual and Production Manager. The third video covers Research, Trade and Espionage.
  • Added button for the Production Summary Screen to Production Manager Screen.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug where naval units in conquered region weren't retreating.
  • Fixed bug where trade partner resource lists weren't correctly enabled/disabled for oil, supply and fuel
  • Production manager was providing an inaccurate maximum build number in some instances. Items like Cash that are built in units of measure (millions, in the case of cash) require enough capacity to build at least 1 unit, or $1,0000,000 in the case of Cash. The maximum build number was including regions that could build a fraction of a unit in the totals, which inflated the maximum build quantity number. However, when the manager actually tried to fulfill this request, it could not find sufficient idle capacity, since it enforced the unit of measure minimum build requirement. This resulted a smaller quantity being produced than requested by the player.
  • Production manager was not enforcing maximum build quantity for some item types.
  • Production Manager Screen was returning to Production Screen after Save. Now returns back to Production Manager Screen after displaying confirmation message.
  • Production Manager didn't display messages for items deleted.


This version makes a big change to the way the Production Manager works. The old Production Manager was designed to let you overproduce by automatically reducing Cash production, if necessary. This misled players to underappreciate the importance of Cash. This could lead to instability in the economy that would be more difficult to stabilize. Production Manager will no longer cancel production to satisfy new production.

Instead, it will only schedule using idle production. If you need more capacity, you will need to reduce production of other items manually, using the Production Manager. This is covered in the new tutorial.

To facilitate this, a link to the Production Summary screen has added to the Production Manager Screen. This will help you identify items you can cancel to free up capacity.

I believe these changes better meet the design goals of Production Manager, which is to let the player set production levels, and letting the computer schedule that production across your regions.

Windows 64-bit Destiny of the World Content Depot 1264791
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