I'm releasing a patch with a few changes.
- You can now view the letters you've gotten with the letter button in the bottom left of the research menu.
- It should no longer be possible to not receive a letter you should have gotten based on your research
- Increased XP requirements for the two top rows.
I'm going to go into a little more detail about the last change: about two days before release, I modified the game to make it substantially easier (if you played the demo, you'll notice the difference). However I never increased XP requirements for research to compensate for the increased amount of average XP per island. I'm correcting this now.
Research already completed will not need to be completed again.
If anyone thinks this change is unfair, email me at archipelagogame6@gmail.com and I'll consider your argument.
Anyway, I'd also like to announce that Archipelago has sold over 100 copies. Thanks to everyone for making this a successful launch!
Changed files in this update