Bug fixes:
- Improved the interaction of the "Oracle" with cards that can temporarily absorb the dice (missions or cards like "Madness")
- Improved the surrender of threats that deal damage when losing a hull or shields
- Available action tips no longer count the repair drone on Dronate as a free die
- Available action tips now take into account the influence of "Subordination"
- Available action tips are no longer shown if there are no cards left on the table and in the threat deck and in fact the player has already won
- Dee-6 no longer offers to use the store after the boss spawns
- The "Protection for beginners" icon did not disappear during the departure of the ship upon victory
- Button to return dice from missions no longer works during threat attack phase
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to temporarily "lose" 1 die if you quickly change the game speed at the beginning of the battle
Balance changes: - One die re-roll from the store can no longer roll observers
Other changes: - Reduced battle history saving frequency to improve performance in long battles
- Clarified the description of the "Caravel" threat (2 damage, +1 damage per pirate)
Changed files in this update