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Obsideo update for 16 January 2022

Voice Chat / Basic Customisation / Bug Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 8026161 · Last edited 17 January 2022 – 00:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Voice Chat:

Holding down "V" while in the lobby, or in-game will now activate voice chat, this is currently global, so everyone can hear you everywhere in the house, I'll be working on improving the sound, and potentially look at making it location-based, meaning people won't be able to hear you if they're on the other side of the house.

Basic "Skin Changer":

In the lobby you now have the ability to change your belt color, you can choose between White, Blue, Green, and Pink. This is just a placeholder as I'm currently looking at changing the current priest model into something that more accurately fits the theme of the game (it will still be a priest), and with that, I will expand on giving players the ability to customise and change their clothing in a more in-depth way. I hope this placeholder helps for now though!

Bug fixes:

  • Sprinting while standing no longer removes stamina
  • Fixed Jinns writing on paintings
  • Fixed ghosts appearing after a successful exorcism
  • Fixed a bug where blood bath was appearing outside on Farm Lane
  • Fixed a door not disappearing when you die on potts road
  • Fixed a bug where the "Portals To Hell" interaction wasn't spawning
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost couldn't leave (or enter) the "guest living room" in potts road
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost would stutter in place if you hid behind certain furniture
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost wouldn't see you even if you were standing up from "behind" cover
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost wouldn't be able to grab you if you went next to, or behind, certain furniture
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost would forget about you the second it lost sight of you
  • Fixed a bug where the Matryoshka Doll would float away for clients
  • Fixed a bug where blood pools were outside on Farm Lane
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost can see you in the potts road equipment room even with the door closed
  • Fixed a bug where pressing "B" would cause the brightness to jump to max
  • Fixed a bug where pressing "Y" in the tutorial would not end a hunt
  • Fixed a bug where the ghost could see through certain walls/doors in the houses
  • Fixed a bug where the "mimic priest" interaction would sit running on the spot all game
Windows English Obsideo Content Depot 1708461
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