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Re:Kuroi update for 15 January 2022

Product version ver1.0.1 and trial version ver0.0.6 are now available.

Share · View all patches · Build 8025550 · Last edited 15 January 2022 – 06:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Product version ver1.0.1 and trial version ver0.0.6 are now available.

Fixed contents
Fixed a bug that caused the game to lose progress when the Help command was selected immediately after the Help command was opened from the menu screen in Act 1.
Fixed a bug that caused players to lose progress when they ran out of time on a 3-choice quiz question in Act 9.
Fixed a bug in which the experience of passive skills would be added when the "Wait until next action" or "Do nothing" command was selected when a passive skill was equipped in the first or second slot from the top.
Fixed an issue where if you saved and loaded the game immediately after defeating an enemy in a challenge battle where the victory condition was to "bring all enemies to the brink of death," the battle would restart from the middle instead of returning to the challenge screen.
Fixed a bug that caused the "undefinedundefined" screen to appear at the end of some events, making it impossible to progress.
Fixed an issue where the magic description field would be blank when Attack Strange was at level 3.
Fixed an issue where some events were not displayed properly.

Main changes
The condition under which enemies are registered in Library>Enemy on the menu screen has been changed from "Defeated at the time of battle victory" to "Encountered by the time of battle victory.

Translated with (free version)

Windows Re:Kuroi Windows Depot 1566351
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macOS Re:Kuroi Mac Depot 1566352
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