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Hitboxer Playtest update for 15 January 2022

Oddbox, Spinning Lasers, and More!

Share · View all patches · Build 8024718 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:11:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Spawning Improvements:

  • Spawn points are now marked in the world with subtle indicators.

  • Whenever someone is about to spawn at a spawn point it will light up with a brief windup animation to warn everyone nearby that a player is about to spawn. (No more getting ambushed by players appearing out of thin air without warning)

  • Anyone who is standing in a spawn point when a player spawns will be automatically insta-killed by the new player when they enter the game world. (don't worry, the spawn indicator animation should give you enough time to get away safely!)

Game Feedback Improvements:

  • There are now UI icons that indicate how much longer your spawn protection shield or armor powerup buffs will last.

  • Taking damage with armor or shield will now play unique sound respective to each, so you will more easily be able to tell why you survived a hit, or failed to kill someone.

UI Improvements:

  • New menu layouts for both the main menu and in game menus!

  • New theming for all menus and various graphic design / "making things looks good" improvements!

  • Added support of custom keybinds.

New Games Modes:

  • Oddbox - Grab the "Oddbox" and stay alive! Players get 1 point every second that they hold onto the box. Kill the player with the box to steal it for yourself!

  • Team Oddbox - Same as "Oddbox" but the player with the box earns points for their team instead of themselves. Work together to protect your box carrier!

New Gameplay Content:

  • A new deathmatch level called Laser Core has been added - Featuring a spinning laser that damages you if you touch it or dash through it! If you have armor then you will be able to tank one hit, but stay in it longer than half a second and you wont survive!

Known issues:

  • Ham Samurai gamemode is currently broken and needs a fair amount of iteration to become a proper game mode, so we've temporarily removed it.

  • Egypt level still has a visual bug with some of the building trim.

  • The visual feedback for dashing through the laser can look a little confusing (it appears as if you die where you started your dash, which technically you do)

  • "Disable Hazards" level setting currently does nothing (only level with a hazard is Laser Core, and this setting currently does not effect it)

Windows English Hitboxer Playtest Content Depot 1788821
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