Good news, Mercs!
Update is available for your playing pleasure! With this update, we're fixing heaps of bugs, introducing additional Career Development events with new weapons and armor sets, and improving default gamepad controls.
Improved default control scheme for gamepads
- Remapped buttons for Reload A → X and Vault X → A
- Default acceleration preset changed to Linear
- Default sensitivity lowered by 62%
- Optical and reflex sight sensitivity lowered to 0.65 by default
Fixed an issue where backfilled players got "PlayerNotAllowed" error after trying to join a match
Fixed an issue where gamepad input broke after using text chat during gameplay
Fixed various crashes
- Fixed an issue where the player camera shook slightly when another player vaulted
- Fixed an issue where pressing the map opening key on the stage loading screen disabled shooting
- Fixed an issue where the character's head and body skin color didn't match
- Fixed an issue where a drone could fly through certain barricades in Old New York
- Fixed an issue where a wall asset in Old New York didn't render from a distance on low settings
Progression & Events
Added new Career Development events and rewards
- Career Development 102 (24 Jan - 3 Feb). New secondary weapon — "Old Salty" double-barrel shotgun.
- Career Development 103 (7 Feb - 17 Feb). Mohave Badlands and Wasteland Edition armor sets.
- Career Development 104 (21 Feb - 3 Mar). New SMG from Farmira — ML-SMG 40.
Click here for more information about Career Development events.
UI & Menus
- Added the platform icon for PC players
- Added map intro videos to play on the loading screen on Google Stadia
- Removed all mentions of bleeding mechanics in the tutorial
- Fixed an issue where the Marketplace didn't show regional prices
- Removed the quick-scope prevention changes from The Viceroy rifle. Crosshairs now immediately visible and no accuracy penalty upon ADS.
- Fixed incorrect particles in first-person view when shooting "The Chancellor" or "The Cardinal"
- Fixed an issue where a primary weapon would take a wrong position on the screen after switching from the secondary "Old Salty"
- Fixed a rare issue where a player could install a wrong part to their weapon
And that is all for the update, but the fun doesn't end here. During the coming weeks, we will have special events running nearly non-stop! Play the game during the event, complete tasks and win unique rewards. You can see the full schedule below, and more detailed information about all of the events will be shared when they start!
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, reach out on Steam or on our Discord server!
Changed files in this update