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Airport CEO update for 14 January 2022

Airport CEO 1.0-36 released

Share · View all patches · Build 8021964 · Last edited 14 January 2022 – 16:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey hey hey, airport CEO!

Happy new year and welcome to Airport CEO in the 2020s! We're kicking off this year with the release of Airport CEO 1.0-36, bringing about another batch of fixes and balances as well as a new GA aircraft, the Learjet 75, and also the final aircraft pack DLC as planned since the 1.0 release: Airport CEO: Beasts of the East!

Permanent solution for MacBook Pro M users

With the recent rapid release of Apple's new MacBooks containing M chips, both regular and pro, we've for the past months had a few issues with font rendering on those machines. That problem is with this update now finally permanently fixed and any new Apple M variants will run Airport CEO without any future font rendering issues.

Release notes - 1.0-36

New feature

MERCURY-45330: New aircraft: Learjet 75
MERCURY-45329: GA aircraft can now be set to use "correct" (as realistically defined by the player) fuel type if enabled in gameplay settings


  • MERCURY-45343: Tweaked negotiation points for an improved negotiation experience


  • MERCURY-45608: Passenger interaction time at a boarding desk doesn't always properly reflect the staff's skill and desk's condition
  • MERCURY-45606: Updated baggage claim room requirements to include at least three (3) baggage belts
  • MERCURY-45508: Non-public transit structures can in rare instances be considered for airport transit calculations cause ghost cars to endlessly attempt parking at staff parking lots
  • MERCURY-45466: Aircraft can in rare instances pushback despite being grounded due to severe weather incident
  • MERCURY-45435: Certain franchise contracts cannot always be properly signed immediately via the room panel
  • MERCURY-45379: Boarding start time can in some instances with extremely large flights start before that flight's time of arrival
  • MERCURY-45374: Birds do not always spawn on expected coordinates on larger maps
  • MERCURY-45366: Extremely rare baggage stack overflow exception when baggage belt claim areas do not contain proper carousels can cause application crash
  • MERCURY-45363: Passengers waiting for check-in do not always claim seats in their flight's check-in counter terminal
  • MERCURY-45344: Negotiation point aquisition not properly explained in contract panel
  • MERCURY-45333: Selection overlay not always correctly aligned with object
  • MERCURY-45331: Vehicles can in extremely rare instances become invisible when assigning them to a different depot
  • MERCURY-45326: Chez Clara restaurant does not always reveal description
  • MERCURY-45324: Queue points can in very rare instances cause an unoccupied section between existing queue points when loading airport
  • MERCURY-45322: Remote stand without a terminal will not spawn a warning notification, causing re-fueling and other services to fail
  • MERCURY-45315: Some MacBook devices not using Intel chips can in extremely rare instances not correctly render UI labels
  • MERCURY-45081: Trashcans cannot always be relocated

Thanks for joining us in 2022 and we hope you'll have yet another flourishing CEO career year! See you soon.

// Alexander, Fredrik & Olof - Apog Labs

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