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Operation Zeta update for 14 January 2022

Operation Zeta, Out Now: Adventure and Annihilation Abound!

Share · View all patches · Build 8018147 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey guys, Operation Zeta is finally out!!! Thank you so much for the support through this past year and a half of Early Access I'm really happy with what OZ has turned into! I wanted to talk some about what this game is and what it means to me.

Here is some background

We’re excited to release Operation Zeta on Steam. It is the second game that follows the mainline story started in our first game Inevitability however you don't need to have played Inevitability to understand what is going on.

Evil mailbox NPC

Operation Zeta is a wacky Gravity action game, We started on OZ back in 2018 Around the time we were ramping up work on our second game, Rekindling, we wanted to have a side project to work on. We worked on it for half (sometimes more) of our work time for the next two years until 2020 when it became our main project. Earlier in 2019 we started doing game development full time so we had plenty more time to devote to our projects.

After four years and a lot of 70+ hour weeks we finally had a game we felt really proud of and happy to share with you guys. Tons of wacky NPCS, wild quests and characters are here to unlock and discover.

Elon Muskrat

Closing Thoughts

Annihilation and adventure abound in Operation Zeta. OZ has been a blast to create over the last 4 years and I couldn't of done it without the support of my close friends and fans. I plan to have a Free DLC with some new characters and tons of new content later this year! As always please let me know what you think of OZ on the Steam Forums, On our Discord, or even with a Steam Review!

Operation Zeta Content Depot 1289751
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