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Fisher Online update for 14 January 2022

Czech "Rybaviсy Pond" and other

Share · View all patches · Build 8017905 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, friends. That's the end of the New Year's events. But while you were giving and receiving gifts from the Christmas tree, we also did not sit idle.

This time I decided to go for a curious experiment and include in the game a fishing base created by the player, namely fortunecafe from the EPF club. Initially, he created one of the ponds of the Katlov pond system, but since these fishing ponds, firstly, are too large, and secondly, this name is a protected trade mark, it was decided to create some imaginary Czech location. And that's what we got:

Czech Republic: Rybavica Pond

This is a fairly small private commercial pond, with artificial fish settlement. The pond is regularly cleaned and the fish are fed in it, so it is replete with large trophies. The main direction is the traditional Czech carp fishing. In addition, some other exotic species are also inhabited in the lake, such as the American white sturgeon (also named Lake sturgeon - which does not reach trophy sizes here) or the Chinese koi carp. Separately, I would like to note the presence of two species of catfish, which 30-40 years ago in the Czech Republic were actively settled in lakes and rivers, 300 individuals per year and even more, which, as a result, led to the fact that catfish ate almost all white fish, and you will not find bleak or bream here. Of the endemics, only those species survived that were able to get into the dense coastal grass to escape from catfish - crucian carp, rudd, gaster and, of course, roach. However, catfish in this reservoir rarely reach trophy sizes.

The pond is accessible from the 15th level and in the sense of the game is transitional between carp Germany to carp France.

In addition, in the update:

  • The club management interface has been changed
  • Added in the test mode "club warehouse". All members of the club can transfer items to the warehouse, only the head and deputy can distribute items from the warehouse.
  • The functionality of the club treasury will be activated later, after checking the functionality of the warehouse
  • The brightness-contrast settings have been changed and reset to the default state.
  • The rendering of water surfaces on all bases has been changed to get a more realistic picture
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