Movement editor
You can now create completely custom movement patterns for your units.
Ability editor
Units can now use custom attributes, allowing you to create abilities that target these attributes. For example, if you create a set of sword wielding units, you can chose to buff them through your abilities, or how about destroying all undead units on the board? With attributes being plain text, you can create and affect new behaviors that you designed yourself.
Breaking changes
Any abilities youve created that used the "With Type" will no longer work as expected. Please follow the following guide to fix them, or let us help you out in the forums or the discord channel.
- Search for all "*.json" files in the games installation folder under StreamingAssets/Packs that contains the following text:
"TypeInfo": {
Rename "TypeInfo" to "AttributeInfo". It is very important that you dont introduce any extra spaces or lower/uppercase letters that doesnt match the examples.
The row right under it will start with "Type: ". Replace that whole row with the following row instead:
"Query": "Chess.Pawn"
- You should now be able to open the unit in the ability editor, so that it can be edited again. Also, you can set it to any unit type you want from a list of predefined unit types. Some examples include: Chess.Pawn, Chess.Rook, Chess.Knight, Chess.Bishop, Chess.Queen, Chess.King.
Changed files in this update