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polity update for 13 January 2022

POLITY - v1.0.6 : Changelog

Share · View all patches · Build 8016407 · Last edited 13 January 2022 – 18:52:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


[1.0.6] - 2022-01-13

-Added a new hand-held object: Confetti.
-Added new clothes: Police Uniform and its hat, BD-2 Prisoner, Scrubs and Surgical Caps, and Firefighter Uniform and its hat.
-Added a new feature: Win-Win Invitation and its coupon.
-Added a new feature: the fill rate of the Backpack.
-Added a new tutorial for Waypoint.
-Added a new presentation for platform connection points.
-Added a new sound for zoom in and out for the Map.
-Added new tabs in the Clothes button: Hair and Brow.
-Added new avatar animation in the Sports Center.
-Added the refund amount on the refund notifications.
-Added a default Polity flag for newly established countries.

-Changed the sound of the President’s announcement.
-Changed the look of the “Add Slot” panel.
-Changed the look of the “Split” panel.
-Changed the look of the “Expand Capacity” panel.
-Changed the look of the “Focus” mode and the main huds.
-Changed the duration of clothes obtained from the gift boxes.
-Changed the way of moving furniture(instead of a long click, there will be just a click to move).
-Changed the available footprint representation of objects and furniture.
-Changed the highlight indication of some quests.
-Changed the representation of the purchased package’s items in chat.
-Changed the setting of NPC sounds.
-Changed the Forestry machine sounds into 2D.
-Changed the automatic dual profession adding in the Presidency.
-Changed the amount of Country Balance for the newly established countries.
-Changed the “Establish Country” panel.

-Fixed the bug in tooltips of rewards of the “Level Up” panel.
-Fixed the bug in the footprint representation while moving objects.
-Fixed the bug in switching in the “Focus” mode.
-Fixed the bug in chopping trees.
-Fixed the bug in a costume.
-Fixed the bug in removing the furniture.
-Fixed the bug in the contest reward.
-Fixed the bug in the profile likes.
-Fixed the bug in the growth of crops.
-Fixed bugs in the Leaderboard.
-Fixed the bug in the Room Shop.
-Fixed the bug in the head emojis.
-Fixed the bug in the Backpack fill rate.
-Fixed the bug in the duration of clothes.

Working On
-Working on the in-game Map to improve the gaming experience.
-Working on a social deduction game.
-Working on the quest system and its variety to get the in-game world.
-Working on the balance system to develop the game dynamic.
-Working on the variety of NPC dialogues.
-Working on improving the Presidency System.
-Working on more UI animations.

macOS MacOS Depot 1479482
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