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Toodee and Topdee update for 13 January 2022


Share · View all patches · Build 8013462 · Last edited 13 January 2022 – 22:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone!
I've been reading reviews, comments, watching YouTube vids and streams on Twitch, and I've been working on a balance patch, and it is now live!

  • Boss fights now have checkpoints! Now if you die, instead of starting from the beginning you will start from the current phase you were in. A lot less frustrating. If you want more challenge or the ladybugs you can toggle this off in the difficulty menu.
  • The second boss, Yumbrozi (the monkey) was a major pain for many, many players. So now horizontal jumps are telegraphed by a sound effect and the eyes shining, and Topdee can dodge the circular smoke effects. This gives you a lot more options! And together with the checkpoints I think this will no longer be such a frustrating experience for many players.
  • Some levels that I saw that people struggle with (especially in chapter 2) were changed a little bit, hopefully they are better now.
  • Many small bug fixes and performance improvements! Performance wasn't really an issue on semi-modern computers, but if you had an older one and it was lagging, it should be a lot better now!

Let me know if you run into any problems, and I hope you enjoy!


EDIT: saw some streamers play and caught a few mistakes lol
Fixed them now! Newest version is

Thanks and as always let me know if you find anything!

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