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Card Survival: Tropical Island update for 13 January 2022

Card Survival: Tropical Island - Update 19

Share · View all patches · Build 8011871 · Last edited 13 January 2022 – 02:46:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone!

Update 19 is here.

It took us some time but things are finally starting to stabilize now that t's been a week since the new liquid system was introduced. There are no more major bugs remaining, and most game features related to liquids are now working again (with the exception of making salt by evaporation seawater).

This update will mostly be a bug fix and balance tweaks one as there really wasn't time to add proper new features, but we still managed to add in a few new things here and there. :)

So, here's our list of content:

Liquid Tweaks and Additions:

There have been many changes caused by the new liquid system, some were added throughout the week, others have come with the update. To make things tidier I will proceed to list them all here:

  • Drinking effects are now proportional to the amount of liquid drunk.
  • Large Water Containers such as puddles, raincatchers and reservoirs now loose water to evaporation
  • Large Water Containers can now store considerably more water to compensate for their water loss.
  • Clay Vases now lose water to evaporation too, but have been made larger as well to compensate for it.
  • Water Collection now works differently, requiring you to initiate the process with an action, and then leaving the container to fill automatically tick by tick.
  • Perforated Coconuts can be used to protect water from evaporation, their contents will rot after a few days however, ruining any water inside. In the meantime however, they can work as very cheap temporary water flasks.
  • Cave Puddle now fills up a bit faster.
  • Sealed Containers (waterskin, jerrycan, canteen) take some extra time to be filled with the collect rain water action, but can still be filled faster by transferring water from other containers.
  • You can now wash your eyes from cobra poison on large containers too (through the normal "wash yourself" action).
  • Aloe Gel now produces considerably less diarrhoea when eaten, making it a much better emergency hydration alternative than before.

Grasslands Improvements:

The grasslands now have a special feature that causes crops to grow faster when planted there, making it a more attractive location for those who want to settle inland. In addition to this, a new cave can now be found in the area, containing a new copper vein and a monitor lizard.
Finally you can now use shovel to dig up dirt from the grasslands card, in a manner similar to how you use the axe to cut wood from the outskirts or jungle cards.
Related Note: The copper vein that existed in the highlands has now been replaced for some individual copper ores that can be found by exploring the environment. The total copper in the island is now 11.

New perks:

  • Trapper: Makes you start with a high trapping skill.
  • Parachute - Highlands: A variations of the parachute perk that makes you start in the highlands.
  • Extreme Drought: Makes rain during the run very unlikely.
  • Extreme Rain: Makes rain during the run extremely likely.

Hunting Balance Tweaks:

A "stealth" skill has now been introduced. At the moment it only has the effect of increasing your chances for escaping unharmed from encounters with predators, but in the future it will also help with more offensive actions.
In addition to this, monitors are now less likely to try to bite you when you try to escape, and leg protection (wearing leather or military pants) is now more effective against their bites. This should make monitor lizards a bit less terrible. :)
The tracking skill has been temporarily removed from the game, chances to find boars have been increased to compensate for that.

Minor Tweaks and Additions:

  • Woven Basket is now considerably cheaper and its unlocking order has been reversed with the hat.
  • Palm Sugar blueprint has been made simpler, now requiring just a cooking pot filled with sap.
  • Fishing Spear is now unlocked later.
  • Added descriptions to all liquids.
  • Made changes to how populations work to improve performance.
  • Chest blueprint is now unlocked with your crafting skill.
  • Rotten Remains can now also be used to build crop plots, like fish scraps and fertilizer.
  • Tweaked Climbing chances for cliffs.

Fixes and Hotfixes:

  • Clothes no longer get wet when indoors.
  • Fixed some issues with perk water containers that came with old water.
  • Fixed the Disappearing containers bug.
  • Fixed the Dark Cave bug.
  • Fixed bug that was causing you to be able to collect water even when you had an incompatible liquid in you container.
  • Fixed bug that allowed you to put puddles inside campfires.
  • Added a new Neomare playlist to the Tutorial Video section.
  • Fixed some bugs with liquid cards causing strange scrolling issues.
  • Fixed bug that was messing with the unlocking of some blueprints (including scarecrow. compost bin, quiver and torch).
  • The sun is now stronger, so it's easier to get sunburn.
  • Crop Plots now keep fertilizer when they dry up.
  • Fixed a bug related to infusions and food items that need to be soaked.
  • Fixed wood handle ready announcement.
  • Nipa Palms and Banana Stumps now produce liquid with the new system.
  • Fixed issue that would prevent you from digging during rain.
  • Large water bodies can no longer be emptied.
  • Fixed wrong text in pesticide recipe.
  • Crafted liquids will now behave more consistently in their placement.
  • Fixed issues with liquids stacks.
  • Fixed coconut milk and pesticide blueprint bugs.
  • Liquid containers should no longer move around when you load you game.
  • Fixed many issues with boiling and cooking using new liquids.
  • Fixed a bug that what stopping large containers from refilling during rains if you emptied them.
  • Refreshing and washing options re-enabled on large containers.
  • Fixed bug the caused location cards to disappear in the presence of a compost bin.
  • Fixed bug that prevented large bodies of water from getting water properly from rain.
  • Fixed an issue with clay pot coolers.

That should be all for now.
Thanks everyone for your support and feedback and thank you for your patience in this big liquid system transition!
See you all next week!

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