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Black Forest update for 12 January 2022

Testing Branch Opened

Share · View all patches · Build 8010904 · Last edited 12 January 2022 – 23:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

I've opened a testing branch that will get future updates first.

If you want to always have the latest update, and don't mind if there's a few bugs or it breaks a bit, then right click on "Black Forest" in your Steam library list, go to "Options" and "Betas" and switch to the "testing" branch.

I will post new features and bigger updates there first, hoping that any issues that slipped through my testing will be caught by you, while the default/stable branch stays a bit behind but won't break.

As a small goodie, the version uploaded there now is the latest version with all the recent updates and a new one, an in-game compass (off by default, switch it on in the options menu).

I have applied the last input issue fixes to this, hoping that this eliminates the input issues. So if you were having problems with that (main menu not working, etc.) please go and try out testing.

Thank you all for your support and kind words. It's been a rough two weeks with these game-breaking updates and bugs. I hope it'll be more smooth from here on, because I still have a lot of plans...

Changed depots in testing branch

View more data in app history for build 8010904
macOS 64-bit Black Forest (Mac) Depot 523071
Windows 64-bit Black Forest (Windows) Depot 523072
Linux 64-bit Black Forest (Linux) Depot 523073
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