Playtest Alpha 2 is now available for all playtesters! I finally managed to get the Linux and Mac versions running through Steam, so if you have access to either of those OSes and you're interested in helping out, fire up the game and let me know if you run into any major issues. Since those builds are newer, I'm expecting that issues will pop up. I'll keep an eye on the community forums and Discord, as always.
If you aren't currently signed up for the playtest and would like to join, head over to the main store page and click "Request Access".
Here are the updates for Playtest Alpha 2:
- Linux and Mac builds now available for playtesting!
- Added Sun Spirits
- Added Sunbud species with Sun Spring home
- Added new crystal metamorphoses: Piercing Crystal and Empowering Crystal
- Added new shroom metamorphosis: Toadstool
- Added new boons: Lifeblood, Natural Immunity, Natural Agility
- Spirit elementals can no longer cross-mutate with each other (only with non-elemental species)
- Non-mutated Spirit elementals can only spawn from their respective homes (Fire Spring, Frost Spring, etc.)
- Previously every level had rivers, now some will not
- Crawlers are slightly faster
- Rivers no longer lead far away toward the edge of the map, away from main level areas
- Jump and teleport abilities clear the player's previous target so they don't immediately start pathing back toward it when trying to escape
- Unlockable growths can't be attacked and killed while the player is unlocking them
- Logo/header redesign
- Several bug fixes and stability improvements
- Special thanks to ghostlyhydra456 for finding and reporting many bugs in Alpha 1. Check out ghostlyhydra's YouTube channel!
Changed files in this update