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SUL 3D - Schütze Unser Land update for 12 January 2022

Final Update

Share · View all patches · Build 8009784 · Last edited 12 January 2022 – 19:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In this last week many last minute updates were made because when a problem was fixed, another one appeared that needed to be fixed and this was demanding more and more updates and I already apologize to all the players who lost their saves due to these updates.

I mean that today will be the last of them, of course there may be updates that fix a texture here, a line of text there or even the power of some weapons because this can all be changed in the game's own scripts manually and that kind of update doesn't corrupt save games or anything like that.

Big updates happen when you need to render the game in FPS Creator to change some detail in the scenario, remove or add something or even change the game's narrative line, change a loading screen, the end screen of the game and etc.

This update today is about that, two launchers were established for the game in the last update so that Steam counts the hours of gameplay while showing the intro of the game and Athsilus Games logo, the end of the game has been changed, being added a new character in phase 4 that tells the protagonist what was going on. The credits screen has also been changed with some special thanks in addition to new artwork on the credits screen and in the first launcher respectively.

All bugs have been fixed and the game seems to be stable through the changes, any opinions or reports about the game that you want to comment, do not hesitate to do so!

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Windows 64-bitPortuguese - Brazil SUL 3D - Schütze Unser Land Content Depot 1819341
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Windows 64-bitEnglish Depot SUL 3D - Schütze Unser Land Depot 1819342
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