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Midnight Protocol update for 12 January 2022

The Midnight Protocol Campaign Editor Beta Is Here!

Share · View all patches · Build 8009586 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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We're back with even more exciting news. Earlier this week we mentioned a bunch of cool things like awards and Humble Choice, and the ride doesn't stop there. We're very excited to announce that Midnight Protocol's Campaign Editor is now available in beta!

First: yes, you saw that correctly. The modding tool allows you to use your mouse. The keyboard purists among you may consider it heresy, but trust us when we say it's much easier to create your own campaigns this way!

As the name implies, the Campaign Editor allows you to create your own campaign from scratch.

Write e-mails from strangers.

Then write the player's potential responses.

Create a mission very easily with your handy dandy cursor!

Change the parameters of nodes.

And give your creation a try.

It's not just standalone missions. Through the logic tab you can tie everything together into a beautiful campaign of your own!

When you're done creating your campaign, upload it to the Steam Workshop so others can play through it!

We believe the tool is pretty easy to use, but we've also written a guide to help you get started. Give it a try and let us know what you think! We've created a modding channel on Discord where you can ask questions and show off your creations. Of course, there's also a dedicated Steam forum!

The Campaign Editor is still in beta, so your feedback is important. If it sees a lot of use, we'll continue improving it!

Midnight Protocol

Iceberg Interactive

Windows 64-bitEnglish Midnight Protocol (Windows) Depot 1162701
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macOS 64-bitEnglish Midnight Protocol (mac) Depot 1162702
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Linux 64-bitEnglish Midnight Protocol (Linux) Depot 1162703
  • Loading history…
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