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MAJOR Marbles on Stream update for 12 January 2022

Season 30 LAUNCHES!!!

Share · View all patches · Build 8009251 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:54:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Season 30 update is rolling out to steam as you are reading this!!

As always keep an eye out for events taking place during the Season, so be sure to pay attention to Discord and Twitter!

A notable change included:
-Bonus XP will be returned up till the 40th race.

If you are not seeing the update please try shutting down Steam and restarting it. It should process the update then!

We hope to have the mobile app updates for Android (GooglePlay) and the Apple iOS available shortly.

Patch notes will be posted soon. Season 30 will be from January 12th, 2022 to February 27th, 2022!

Enjoy this first full season of 2022!!!

- Now you may be wondering what is Marbles on Stream?
MoS is a stream interactive game designed to involve a Twitch Streamers viewers in a fun Marble racing game. All the viewer needs is to type !play in the respective streamers chat they would like to join. Simple and easy for all.

- Where were we before Steam?
We were tucked away in our little Discord server and that is how it was downloaded before as we developed out the game season by season. If you are interested in joining feel free as we use Discord as our gathering space for the community.

- How to play Marbles on Stream?
Streamers - Download marbles, log in with your Twitch Crendentials so the game can connect to your Twitch chat and begin reading typed commands. Play in picked Game Tracks, Community Tracks, Marble Royale or our newest mode Tilted. All modes are viewer implemented so you can involve your viewers in all the game modes and just have fun.

Viewers/Racers - Join any stream on streaming Marbles on Stream, be sure to greet the streamer, and get invovled in their races simply by typing !play in their chat.

- Twitch Emotes?
Our game includes the functionality of certain emotes on that will load specific skins into the game for the viewer who uses them. Its a fun little community thing we do.
Here is a list of Streamers that will have emotes in the game for Season 29:

  • PixelbyPixelStudios
  • Enderzworld
  • Spooo
  • IguanaDefuzil
  • TheTonyBlacks
  • SinisterPlanz

- Seasons?? Why?**
We introduced seasons in May 2018 and each season brings new content to the game. It also resets the leaderboards and deletes all the community tracks from the global system.

Leaderboard points are global which means it does not matter where you race, you are earning points towards your total. We also delete all the community tracks from our system so each season brings fresh tracks in, and gives the builders the chance to reflect on the votes and possibly make changes to their existing tracks.

Streamers get a unique experience with Marbles. Streamers earn XP by conducting races. We use a very complex mathematical system to calculate how much each race earns them. At the end of the season we take the top 10 Streamers and host a fun little collection of events and the streamer who earns the most points during the last day of the season events will earn their emote in the game for the next 2 seasons. Their emote will load their own custom marble into the race for that time.

Interested in getting involved now?
If you are simply looking to play the game as a racer, check out the Twitch category Marbles on Stream and people are playing Right now! We are always happy to engage with you all. Whether it be on our discord, here on the community hub or out there on the tracks, you will learn we are very passionate and love chatting with you all.

Take care and may your marbles roll swiftly!
-Pixel by Pixel Studios

Windows 64-bit Marbles on Stream Content Depot 1170971
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