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16bit vs Reality update for 17 January 2022

Big Update! Version 1.2.24 is here!

Share · View all patches · Build 8009103 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

After reviewing some of the feedback from the players we decided that currently the differences in the geometry between the "pixel world" and the "monochrome world" are not noticeable enough. This in turn could cause a situation where a player would get stuck not seeing where they are supposed to go or not knowing if the platform below them would disappear after transition to the "monochrome world" causing them to fall and potentially die, which was unfair.
So we slightly changed the visuals of the game. From now on the geometry elements that only exist in the "pixel world" will have distinct colorful sprites and those elements that only exist in the "monochrome world" will leave a sparkling effect in the "pixel world".
This should provide a more fluid gameplay as well as adding some more vibrancy to the imagery.

Apart from this we fixed a number of bugs and changed some aspects of the game to make it a more pleasant experience:

Quality of life changes:

  • Added a new checkpoint to stage 1-3.
  • Lowered the volume for the Drone's flying sound
  • Changed the moving scaffolding in stage 1-3 "construction site" to be activated only when the player gets on it, to allow players to choose their desired timing for the segment.
  • Changed the moving platform in the "laser abyss" segment of stage 3-2 to only start moving after the player gets on it, for the same reason.
  • Rearranged some of the stamps in the stage 4-3 to make them a bit more challenging.
  • Changed some of the text in the Options menu for better clarity.
  • Some minor geometry changes to all of the stages.


  • Fixed the issue that caused the descriptions of secret items to display as "?" symbols.
  • Enemies will no longer occasionally ignore super-attack projectile if they were hit by the player's normal attack right before that.
  • Fixed the bug that caused the stamps in stage 4-2 to go out of sync.
  • Prevented Overmind boss from leaving the screen during the fight.
  • Fixed the issue where spikes at the end of stage 4-1 would sometimes damage the player when they shouldn't have.
  • Fixed the bug that made Donatron boss be stuck in his charging animation if he was forced to transition between phases of the fight during it.
  • Player will no longer die from just touching the bottom edge of the screen at the "infinite corridor" section of the 4-3 stage.
  • Fixed the bug that would allow player to break the sequence during phase transition of the Secret Boss fight, and thus kill the main character.
  • Fixed the spikes in the "spike shaft" section of the 3-2 section so that they would always damage the player as intended.
  • Fixed the issue that sometimes allowed the player to break the sequence when picking up a Secret Item, thus potentially allowing them to be damaged during the cutscene.

We hope that all of You will have fun with this new, updated version of the game!

Weird Stuff Studio team.

Windows 16 Bit vs Reality Content Depot 1305451
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