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Andalia update for 12 January 2022

Bugfixes & AI Improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 8008606 · Last edited 12 January 2022 – 15:01:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This patch was intended to be a small round of bugfixes for things I have come across in my playtesting, but it turned out to be a bit more involving.

Íncluded Bugfixes:

  • The target marker for unit abilities has been a bit buggy recently, so it sometimes wouldn't turn green, even though the targeted location was just fine and you could press the left mouse button to let the unit perform its ability. Now it behaves as intended again.

  • Sometimes, especially on large maps, AI players had difficulties to find a path to the player base they wanted to attack, so they staid passive in their base indefinitely, even though they had enough forces to launch an invasion. This has been fixed by overhauling the way AI players approach offensives.

Instead of trying to reach the enemy base directly, the AI player attack group now approaches the enemy in etappes. After each etappe the group will ensure that all participating members are close together again, before they move onto the next one. After a while they are close enough to safely find a path to the enemy base they want to engage with.

This, of course, has the side effect of enemy groups arriving in a more condensed state at your base, instead of "dripping in" as it often used to be the case.

But this is not all: AI players now utilize unit formations. So you may now encounter AI player unit groups standing in neat square formation at their base or on their way to their target player.

  • AI players often seemed to have a suicidal desire to let a small amount of units run across the base of enemies in order to reach a nearby underworld entrance for the sake of fighting the hive guards in there. Now they should no longer do this.

  • AI players should no longer send their workers to resources that are close to bases of other players, unless they have no other choice.

  • AI players will now grow up a slightly larger army on bigger maps before they launch an attack.

  • If the AI player had a Master Sorceress, it sometimes happened that, within a combat, the sorceress would fly away from the place of battle for the sake of summoning a phoenix in the bottom-left corner of the map. This should no longer happen, either.

  • There are even more fixes and improvements to AI player behaviour that are hard to put into words here.

I hope you like this update. Stay tuned.

Windows 64-bit Andalia Content Depot 1743881
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